why do people sell popular dogs for a lot of money?

I want a maltese so bad but every time I find one it's a lot of money,when they should not charge a lot for a dog to go to a good home,I can see charging us for what they paid for shots in all and a little extra for taking care of them but come on it out…

    why do people sell popular dogs for a lot of money?

    I want a maltese so bad but every time I find one it's a lot of money,when they should not charge a lot for a dog to go to a good home,I can see charging us for what they paid for shots in all and a little extra for taking care of them but come on it out…...
    General Dog Discussions : why do people sell popular dogs for a lot of money?...

    • why do people sell popular dogs for a lot of money?

      why do people sell popular dogs for a lot of money? General Dog Discussions
      I want a maltese so bad but every time I find one it's a lot of money,when they should not charge a lot for a dog to go to a good home,I can see charging us for what they paid for shots in all and a little extra for taking care of them but come on it out of control right?

      why do people sell popular dogs for a lot of money?

      why do people sell popular dogs for a lot of money? General Dog Discussions
    • months of dog shows = entry fees, gas money, etc.genetic health tests = lots of moneytime spent researching stud dogs, pedigrees etc.food, vet, innoculations, worming, compiling all the paperwork and proof of titles, health clearance etc. to give to the new puppy ownerstime spent socializing, rearing, nail clipping, grooming etc.guarantee for life on the genetic health of the dog.

    • they make money off of it.of course there are also back yard breeders out there who have no idea what they are doing. if you adopt one from a breeder, please choose carefully and insist on seeing the mom and dad.your best bet is to go to the shelter/pound and they will most likely have maltese. it is cheaper and you are saving the dogs life.

    • because they can, because people are willing to pay whatever price they want. Just look at the fad of designer dogs where the breeders xharge more for mutts than for purebreds and the buyers are willing to pay it.

    • There is a simple answer. People charge that much because there are people out there that will spend that much. That's all there is to it. It's not that Maltese's are all that great, or any other breed for that matter. Supply and demand. as long as people want that dog, they will be expensive. I think it is ridiculous, free dogs will love you just as much, and you would be surprised at how many pure breeds are in the shelters (The get dumped off too you know). Sorry you are having such a hard time, but I don't think you are going to find the dog you want for the price you want.

    • If bought from a responsible breeder the cost of the puppies is nowhere near the amount of money they put into the breeding, whelping and raising of that litter. To have both the parents earn titles, be genetically tested for diseases and to provide proper vet care, most good breeders end up LOSING money after they're through.However, there are also BYB's who will sell dogs for the same amount of money and not do any of the same work which means the $800.00 you will pay for their Maltese is entirely profit, whereas the responsible Maltese breeder is just trying to cover their costs.If you're concerned about the price of a dog go to a Maltese rescue and save a life instead, that way you won't be supporting some idiot BYB.

    • Popular dogs cost more simply because they are popular.Don't forget that the breeders have to pay vets fee's, scan fees, registration fees, stud dog fees, additional feed costs, puppy toy costs, time off work to care for the female after she has the pups, additional food for the mom while pregnant, etc, etc etc.Believe me, it is not the money-maker that people think it is !If you really can't afford to buy a pup that is expensive why not give your love to a rescue dog? they will love you just as much and are just as needing of a good loving home as any other dog.

    • Raising quality dogs, breeding quality dogs and caring for quality litters is very expensive and time consuming. If you want a quality dog, you pay a quality price. If you just want a regular ol' mutt, then head on down to your local shelter. Heck, you can even find a breed specific rescue with 'purebred' dogs rescued from unfortunate situations. The adoption fee would be significantly less than what a breeder would charge.

    • People sell popular dogs at a high price because they are popular. Being popular means more people will buy them. It also means more people will buy them at a higher price. That means the sellers will get more money. That means the sellers will go to the strip club and make it rain.

    • Because they know people will want to keep up with the Jones'. that's why it's so much better to adopt if you're looking for a pet. adoption shelters want to see dogs going to good home, and they only charge the upkeep they've spent on the dog.

    • People charge lots of money for different reasons. Shelters NEED to charge money because they are non-profit organizations and the funds to care for their animals must come from somewhere. Kind donations and adoption fees are usually their main source of income.Reputable breeders charge a lot of money because their puppies are well-bred (which is rare these days, considering the number of back yard breeders there are out there). They will have spent a hell of a lot of money on vaccinations, extra food, a c-section if the mother needed one, KC registration, insurance, etc. They need to make their money up somehow. Most usually lose money in actual fact.Back yard breeders will TRY and get you to pay a lot of money for a pup, whether it is pedigree or a mutt, but just ask to see both parents KC registration papers. If they won't let you it usually means they don't exist, in which case, you should be paying no more for a pup that you would pay for a shelter pup. Charging money for a pup also proves to whoever that you bought the pup off that you have the money to look after it. If you can't stump up the money for the pup, most would find it hard to believe that you could afford to pay emergency vet fees.

    • Why don't you consider looking for a maltese shelter or rescue, if you can't afford to pay for a POPULAR dog. They are expensive because of the demand for them...people are willing to pay whatever is asked.

    • yes its is out of control and we as dog lovers will pay the price you have answered your own question they make money and a lot of it there seems to be no regulations on the amount but thank god there are better retrictions on the puppy farms i agree go to a shelter and get yourself a friend for nothing we cant all look good