What is it like to own an Akita inu?

I'm curious because I'm really looking into getting one. I've grown up around dogs my whole life so I would say I'm experienced. I'm talking about the Akita inu from japan not the American Akita. They are considered their own separate breeds.When…

    What is it like to own an Akita inu?

    I'm curious because I'm really looking into getting one. I've grown up around dogs my whole life so I would say I'm experienced. I'm talking about the Akita inu from japan not the American Akita. They are considered their own separate breeds.When…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : What is it like to own an Akita inu?...

    • What is it like to own an Akita inu?

      What is it like to own an Akita inu? Dog Breed Discussions
      I'm curious because I'm really looking into getting one. I've grown up around dogs my whole life so I would say I'm experienced. I'm talking about the Akita inu from japan not the American Akita. They are considered their own separate breeds.When owning an Akita is it okay to have other dogs, or are they strictly no other dogs in the house?What is it like to train them?Are they typically one person dogs?I'm very curious to hear from an owners point of view.

      What is it like to own an Akita inu?

      What is it like to own an Akita inu? Dog Breed Discussions
    • I've never owned one, so I can't give you first-hand experience. I am guessing they'd be the same to care for as just about any other dog, despite some factors of the breed.I have heard that this breed is very primitive, and very same-sex aggressive, they also tend to be very dominant, aggressive and wary of strangers, so it's IMPORTANT and KEY to socialize at an early age and very often, to ensure, this dog grows up healthy, and does not become a menace to society.There is only ONE BREED of Akita and that is the Japense Akita or Akita Inu, no Akita's originated in America, so anyone selling you an American Akita, is likely trying to sham you, or sell you a defective, badly bred dog.

    • I'd suggest contacting a breeder that breeds/handles Akita Inu. Or try and find a forum dedicated to the Akita Inu type of Akita. Here is one site that is a forum for Japanese breeds: http://www.nihonken.org/forum/ It might be a good idea for you to join there and ask this question there. I don't have one myself, but do love the Akita breed(both Akita Inu and American Akita).Akita Inu can be same gender aggressive. The breed is an independent one, they a strong willed-they are not recommended for first time owners or people with little to no experience with strong willed breeds. @Reality- There are two different types of Akita. The Akita Inu and American Akita. They are two different types because they have different appearances(different structure, accepted coat colors). Here's a difference of the two: Akita Inu- https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTdWM-vThLAc3VrKZPHTSDV67BdV9lYguyluaphdx5H58FSJ-RGhttp://image.funscrape.com/images/a/akita_inu-14753.jpgAmerican Akita- http://www.pet-adoption-guide.com/images/AmericanAkita.jpghttps://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSrWl88E_W9M05QXW3pn2EOXktC4YfN8kzuw-KcOhwHWNENrQdn3QFor some reason people think that the American Akita or just 'Akita' is the original form of this breed and prefer it. Someone told ME that the Akita Inu was a designer dog *not sure why, but bleh* the Akita Inu and American Akita are recognized as two different types for the breed in different countries{Aside from America} and shouldn't be bred together, people try and keep them separate. But I guess some people are breeding American Akita and Akita Inu. That it doesn't matter cause they're 'technically' the same breed.

    • My sister has an Akita Inu, her name is Aurora. It's totally fine to have other dogs in the house, as my sister also owns a dalmatian. Aurora is attached to my sister and her husband, they are still young ( 24 and 26) so they don't have any kids, although she does get along with the neighbors kids. From what my sister has told me, they are smart, but very stubborn, so you will have to be firm but kind. Let him/her know you are the master.