How long wil it take a frmale rat to deliever babies after her water breakes?

My daughter's pet rat is going to have babies. Her water broke yesterday and she is spotting, but no babies yet. He daughter is worried that the babies and mother might die. The only vets we have around here is mostly live stock vets. …

    How long wil it take a frmale rat to deliever babies after her water breakes?

    My daughter's pet rat is going to have babies. Her water broke yesterday and she is spotting, but no babies yet. He daughter is worried that the babies and mother might die. The only vets we have around here is mostly live stock vets. …...
    General Dog Discussions : How long wil it take a frmale rat to deliever babies after her water breakes?...

    • How long wil it take a frmale rat to deliever babies after her water breakes?

      How long wil it take a frmale rat to deliever babies after her water breakes? General Dog Discussions
      My daughter's pet rat is going to have babies. Her water broke yesterday and she is spotting, but no babies yet. He daughter is worried that the babies and mother might die. The only vets we have around here is mostly live stock vets. No rat vets. Does anyone know what to do to help this rat??

      How long wil it take a frmale rat to deliever babies after her water breakes?

      How long wil it take a frmale rat to deliever babies after her water breakes? General Dog Discussions
    • A pregnant rats water will break before giving birth. The rats water can break several hours or even 24 hours before she goes into labor. The breaking water will look like water with a slight reddish/blood tint. (Most of the time us humans don't notice the water has broken, unless it happens in our presence.) -The pregnant Mom will start bleeding lightly before giving birth. -Signs your rat may be going into labor is stretching and moving herself around in sort of odd positions. -Try not to watch the Female give birth to closely, she may get nervous which could cause complications or make the birthing take longer. -Birthing usually lasts 1-2 hours. If your rat is in labor longer than 2 hours but is still continually giving birth i would not be overly worried, but do keep an eye on Mom. (if your rat is in labor for longer then an hour without continuing to deliver babies, call a vet immediately, there may be a problem.) My rat gave birth in December, and she took about 3 hours to deliver, but the babies came out fine :)