How can I stop my 12 week old Akita Inu from biting so much and so hard?

I'm a bit worried about my Akita puppy. He's 12 weeks old and I got him a week ago, when he first arrived he wasn't biting us at all...but he started to after a couple of days from his arrival.I used all the common methods, such as: yelping, walking…

    How can I stop my 12 week old Akita Inu from biting so much and so hard?

    I'm a bit worried about my Akita puppy. He's 12 weeks old and I got him a week ago, when he first arrived he wasn't biting us at all...but he started to after a couple of days from his arrival.I used all the common methods, such as: yelping, walking…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How can I stop my 12 week old Akita Inu from biting so much and so hard?...

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    • How can I stop my 12 week old Akita Inu from biting so much and so hard?

      How can I stop my 12 week old Akita Inu from biting so much and so hard? Dog Breed Discussions
      I'm a bit worried about my Akita puppy. He's 12 weeks old and I got him a week ago, when he first arrived he wasn't biting us at all...but he started to after a couple of days from his arrival.I used all the common methods, such as: yelping, walking away, ignoring, putting a toy in his mouth, etc. If anything; his bite got even stronger! I don't want him getting used to it, but I don't know what else to do!

      How can I stop my 12 week old Akita Inu from biting so much and so hard?

      How can I stop my 12 week old Akita Inu from biting so much and so hard? Dog Breed Discussions
    • hes a baby, he will grow out of it.... but when puppies play its the yelping that does it.. give him some time... in the mean time try to keep your skin out of the little guys mouth...omg that girl below me... do not ever hit your animal... i know you wouldnt but this is for everyone else to read... they are not humans, they dont respond to butt beatings!

    • Don't take this the wrong way but give him a stern "No" and a good wap on the butt. Since he's a puppy it's good to kick the habit while he's young. Also, try rolling him over onto his back when he does this. Stare him straight in the eyes and don't turn away or back down until he looks away. He needs to know who's boss. Try growling. Good luck.

    • puppies will be puppies its normal for biting. dont worry too much, but if you want him to stop bitting so hard watch this viedo . here is a video for you to help your puppy biting.

    • when he bites to hard while playing hold his snout and say no be nice and eventually he will stop.keep working with him and make sure he knows he is not to be rough and he will learn. his teeth are coming through and the biting makes them feel better but when it gets out of hand he can cause a good nip.try not to play tugging games with him since he will want to keep grabbing harder and make sure to hold his nose firmly and scold him to get him to be gentle. good luck

    • ok the method for giving him a toy is good to use when he bights tell him "no bite" and give him something to bight if he starts biting it praise him say "good boy" he will eventually learn that your hands or feet are not toys.and Don't forget to train him, as Akita need a firm hand and a good pack leader, they need a lot of exercise, training and socialization as they are very big dogs to have aggressive issues with. Research the breed more, also take him to puppy classes they get good socialization from interacting with other puppies, and they get a start in training, then take him to obedience class so he can get the basics like sit, lie down, stay, heel and come, but as long as they get the right training he will be wonderful as Akita are very big beautiful dogs. oh also you should reed Cesar Millan books he will teach you how to become a good pack leader, or watch his show "the dog whisperer" in National Geographic

    • oh boy...Here we go...I'm going to get a LOT of thumbs down for this..I was a breeder of champions for 15 years and all of my pups were housetrained and "safe" before they ever left my care..You have to do what momma would do if pup were hurting her...Hurt him back !Don't hit or heaven forbid kick him or anything like that...But pup needs to learn that what he's doing is causing pain ! That's unacceptable !Next time he bites, bite him back !Take an ear and pinch it with your teethe till you get a little "yelp" !He'll figure out that his behavior is unacceptable...And always remember to reinforce with play, happy time, when you're sure he's gotten the idea !An akita can be very dangerous as an adult...You need to take care of this now before he becomes an assertive adult...o.k. ?

    • This is what we did with our puppy... we brought our puppy home when she was 3 months old. We started this right away. We would lay belly down on the floor and play with her. Every time she started doing the biting we would yell OUCH and pinch her lip or chin. This way she is associating OUCH with... owwwww. It was VERY effective with her, I was actually amazed... she was an awful biter when we brought her home. She still has the puppy instinct to bite when playing, but as soon as we yell OUCH she stops right now and looks at us with these eyes... like she's saying, "I'm sorry I hurt you."Best wishes...:0).

    • Puppy biting is a normal, natural, and necessary puppy behavior. Puppy play-biting is the means by which dogs develop bite inhibition and a soft mouth. The developing puppy should learn that his bites can hurt long before he develops jaws strong enough to inflict injury. Here's more info:

    • Is your puppy an Akita or an Akita Inu? They are two different breeds, the Akita usually refers to the American Akita and the Akita Inu refers to the Japanese Akita. for the biting, grab the puppies mouth (gently!) and hold it shut while saying, "NO BITE!". If this doesn't work you can try nipping it's ear as others have suggested. Also if he continues shut him in a small room alone for a 2 minutes time out. This will show him that if he behaves this way he gets removed from the pack. A combination of these methods has always worked for me!Good luck!

    • You need a full and proven training program."Secrets To Dog Training" is one of the most popular dog training products on the market written by Daniel Stevens, an experienced dog trainer, for every dog owners who know that the experience of training their dog has or will continue to establish a better relationship with their four legs friend.First when I read the Secrets To Dog Training ebook, I was surprised at lots of information has been covered. The 186 page book is broken down into different sections step-by-step, each one dealing with a different aspect of dog ownership. Secrets to Dog Training starts from a basic that dog owner should know. For instance, things to consider before adopting a dog, choosing the right breed, dealing with breeders, the secrets of dog training; and then moves on at common dog problems including biting and nipping, aggression, jealousy, digging holes, disobedience, separation anxiety, fights with other dogs, destructive behavior and even understanding how your dog thinks.The core of the Secrets To Dog Training system is the communication between dog and owner. Daniel Stevens understands that most of common dog problems are from the lack of communication. Your dog simply doesn't understand what you want. Secrets To Dog Training demonstrates how dogs communicate, what are they thinking, how you can communicate with them effectively.This simple technique helps in improving the relationship between you and your dog. And it also doesn't just focus on one or two aspects of dog ownership. Secrets To Dog Training deals with all common problem behaviors, step-by-step approach tells you exactly what to do and when to do it.Secrets To Dog Training works because of the tips and advice come directly from the author's real-life experience. You also can sign up for free 6 days mini course which covers selected training methods and behavior fixing methods that are used in the Secrets To Dog Training ebook.So if you want to have a good relationship with your dog and get rid of dog problems, I think Secrets To Dog Training will definitely help you reach your goals.Check my source, hope it helps. Good luck!

    • It is really important that he learn Bite inhibition. typically puppies learn this from their mother between 6-8 weeks of age. the puppy starts to bite too hard while playing and the mother nips him to tell him- That is NOT ok! if he didn't learn it from his mother YOU will have to teach him now before he's 100lbs and has no bite inhibition!!I recommend visiting there are a lot of very experience Akita owners who can give you good advice for this and any other preoblems you run in to. The Akita isn't just any dog! they are highly intelligent and can be wonderful companions, but it's up to us as their "owner" to treat them correctly and train them so that they are! good luck to you and your little one!