how is a healthy adult yellow lab supposed to look?

I have a big 90 pound yellow lab for a pet. I think hes healthy but I just want to know signs of a healthy dog. Like what their body should look like and how he acts...Thanks!!

    how is a healthy adult yellow lab supposed to look?

    I have a big 90 pound yellow lab for a pet. I think hes healthy but I just want to know signs of a healthy dog. Like what their body should look like and how he acts...Thanks!!...
    General Dog Discussions : how is a healthy adult yellow lab supposed to look?...

    • how is a healthy adult yellow lab supposed to look?

      how is a healthy adult yellow lab supposed to look? General Dog Discussions
      I have a big 90 pound yellow lab for a pet. I think hes healthy but I just want to know signs of a healthy dog. Like what their body should look like and how he acts...Thanks!!

      how is a healthy adult yellow lab supposed to look?

      how is a healthy adult yellow lab supposed to look? General Dog Discussions
    • Well, I can give you tips on how to keep him/her happy. Give him tons of Vitamin C because it is very common for them to have hip problems. I also give my dog fish oil every morning. He takes more pills than my grandparents! Haha just joking. Hope I helped.

    • Generally speaking, there are going to be variations between every dog. You and your vet will know the best guidelines for your dog specifically, and if you have any health concerns, it's always best to consult your vet.-As a light guideline, you should be able to -just- see his ribs while he's standing at rest, but they should be covered in a healthy layer of fat and they should not be very pronounced.-He should be able to walk comfortably at an even pace without any pronounced limping or an awkward gait.-He should not have excess running from his eyes or nose, though some moisture and 'eye goobers' are to be perfectly expected. It's all about what is a healthy amount.-Your dog's coat should be soft and slightly shiny but not greasy or coarse. Depending on your dog, there may be a difference in his fur but generally, you want to avoid excessive dandruff, grease, matting or exceptionally excessive shedding.-He should be interested in both play and sleep throughout the day. He should not be wholly lethargic or wholly hyperactive throughout the day, but as to how active he is will depend on his age and temperment.-His teeth should be a healthy white color, though in some breeds, a slight discoloration is normal. His gums should be a healthy light pink, not dark red, ruddy, white or over-pale. There should not be any bleeding.-You should be able to comfortably fit two to three fingers under his collar, ensuring that it isn't too tight for him to bear or breathe.Here are some web sites that may assist you in assessing what is relatively healthy for your dog:-