Where can I find a good, affordable vet near Hyde Park, Cincinnati?

I have a 9 week old puppy that has already been spayed and has received her scheduled shots to date. I am trying to determine what the most affordable vet is nearby. If anyone has any prices that would be appreciated - I can't seem to find any online.

    Where can I find a good, affordable vet near Hyde Park, Cincinnati?

    I have a 9 week old puppy that has already been spayed and has received her scheduled shots to date. I am trying to determine what the most affordable vet is nearby. If anyone has any prices that would be appreciated - I can't seem to find any online....
    General Dog Discussions : Where can I find a good, affordable vet near Hyde Park, Cincinnati?...

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    • Where can I find a good, affordable vet near Hyde Park, Cincinnati?

      Where can I find a good, affordable vet near Hyde Park, Cincinnati? General Dog Discussions
      I have a 9 week old puppy that has already been spayed and has received her scheduled shots to date. I am trying to determine what the most affordable vet is nearby. If anyone has any prices that would be appreciated - I can't seem to find any online.

      Where can I find a good, affordable vet near Hyde Park, Cincinnati?

      Where can I find a good, affordable vet near Hyde Park, Cincinnati? General Dog Discussions
    • Most dogs don't have websites. If I were you I'd call around because vet prices can vary greatly. I took my pup to the vet when I first got her and it cost 120 bucks for shots and a wellness checkup. Being a college student I believe it is obvious that I couldn't afford to pay 120 bucks every 3 weeks. I called around and found my current vet who gives my dogs her shots and exams for 20 bucks!