what can i do to lessen aggressiveness of my 4 month old akita pups?

i got my akita when they were 3 months old. one male and one female. first, they fight my 1 year old gentle labrador and bite her whenever they come close to her. second, it seems automatic to them to bite when being touched. i try to keep them close to…

    what can i do to lessen aggressiveness of my 4 month old akita pups?

    i got my akita when they were 3 months old. one male and one female. first, they fight my 1 year old gentle labrador and bite her whenever they come close to her. second, it seems automatic to them to bite when being touched. i try to keep them close to…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : what can i do to lessen aggressiveness of my 4 month old akita pups?...

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    • what can i do to lessen aggressiveness of my 4 month old akita pups?

      what can i do to lessen aggressiveness of my 4 month old akita pups? Dog Breed Discussions
      i got my akita when they were 3 months old. one male and one female. first, they fight my 1 year old gentle labrador and bite her whenever they come close to her. second, it seems automatic to them to bite when being touched. i try to keep them close to us especially with my little kids who are 6,5,4, and 3 years old.. but they act just the same..very aggressive, biting, barking etc..

      what can i do to lessen aggressiveness of my 4 month old akita pups?

      what can i do to lessen aggressiveness of my 4 month old akita pups? Dog Breed Discussions
    • It's good you are trying to socialize them, but that's not everything when it comes to training. I find that I repeat myself a lot in this forum when I say this but it is of utmost importance: Dominance. You MUST establish dominance due to a dog's pack instinct. When they bite, correct them by firmly and clearly saying NO, and flipping them on their backs, and lightly pinching one of the ears. (LIGHTLY, just enough for small discomfort). When an alpha wants to correct another dog, he nips them in the ear or the neck. Pack dogs hunker down, or roll over on their backs to demonstrate submissiveness. Be consistent and don't give up on them. Try a private trainer or class, best of luck!ADD:You may also want to do some extensive breed research if these are your first akitas. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akita_Inu Here is some basic info about the Akita. ^^^

    • l do not mean to pry but what on earth possessed you to purchase 2 akitas when you have 4 children?Have you so much time on your hands that you are able to train all these dogs correctly?If you look at the history of the Akita and what it was bred for and also whether it is suitable as a family dog you may soon realize you have made a grave error.Akitas can be gentle and loving if trained correctly and the operative word here is trained by their owners who have to put in an awful lot of time to do this.What you have is not only dominance but pure aggression and you have to put a stop to it or the Akitas will turn their attention to your little ones.Even if you rescued these two or were given them you have young kids and your duty is to them and your lab.l NEVER sit in judgement and always try to help people but this particular situation makes me see red.Most likely it was not your fault but either the breeder or person who gave or left these pups with you so will presume this rather than blame you..If l were you l would be ggetting them to a Trainer immediately as unless you have the time for Obedience Training which does invvolve a lot of time someone has to help you in your situation.l do not care if half the people who answer you say Akitas a re fine and only need a little bit of training that is incorrect as they were bred as a fighting dog.If you do not want to get them professionally trained and want to try it yourself you have a lot of things to do and the first is de-sex both the Akitas unless you plan to breed and if they are closely related that would be the wrong thing to do.l agree l love the Breed myself but l would never trust them untrained with tiny tots.if you have a front yard and a back one keep the Akitas in the back and lab in the front or the House and keep them seperate as this aggression will not go away by itself.l am a Trainer and longtime breeder and believe me l willl not sell my breed to people with young ones like you have and they are a good natured family dog if trained and handled correctly.Hope someone can give you some constructive advice but l doubt it,you are asksing for trouble

    • you are in a lot of trouble:these 2 dogs will make your life impossible!I personally would take them back to the person or breeder!Akita's are aggressive dogs,most people have one!With 4 little kids,you are best to keep the labrador.these 2 dogs will grow to a 100 pounds each and will attack your labrador and kill it one day.i would not recommend an akita for a family with 4 little kids!return them until its not late!they will bite you,your kids, friends and family visiting.

    • I have to agree with Schnauzer - it sounds as if the person you got these pups from was extremely irresponsible in selling 2 pups together. Akitas are generally excellent with children but they are usually same sex aggressive and the one that is the same sex as your Labrador is not likely to accept the Lab as it grows to maturity. One Akita puppy is a handful and needs an experienced owner (owning a Labrador is not in the same league). You need to get some professional advice from an experienced trainer and that advice may well include rehoming the b1tch before she does serious damage to your Lab.Some Akitas will accept other dogs, but they are usually in home with a very strong leader and are still few and far between.

    • They are puppies!!! That’s it! Is it fighting or playing? It sounds like playing to me. I have 2 Akita’s and they get alone fine with each other and we got them from different places! You need to start working with them and teaching them that biting is not good! Are they full Akita’s? Akita’s are not barking dogs, when I here my dogs bark I KNOW I need to go and see why!! Keep socializing them get them around other people and kid and dogs! Talk to the person you got them from and see if they were around other when they had them! If not that could be it they just don’t know how to act! My female was kept in a kennel for the first 2 years of her life she was never around other dog or people! At first she did know what to so but with a few weeks of hard work and showing her that everything is good she snapped out of it! Please Email me if you have any questions about Akita’s I spend a lot of time researching these dog and they are my passion! They are wonderful dogs!