10 year old, male Yorkshire terrier has solid lump/knot at or near the end of the right, floating rib?

Torn knee ligament. Vet has him on glucosamine / chondroitin tablets to build up cartilage. Knot is larger than a pea, smaller than a dime. Any suggestions on what it might be?

    10 year old, male Yorkshire terrier has solid lump/knot at or near the end of the right, floating rib?

    Torn knee ligament. Vet has him on glucosamine / chondroitin tablets to build up cartilage. Knot is larger than a pea, smaller than a dime. Any suggestions on what it might be?...
    General Dog Discussions : 10 year old, male Yorkshire terrier has solid lump/knot at or near the end of the right, floating rib?...

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    • 10 year old, male Yorkshire terrier has solid lump/knot at or near the end of the right, floating rib?

      10 year old, male Yorkshire terrier has solid lump/knot at or near the end of the right, floating rib? General Dog Discussions
      Torn knee ligament. Vet has him on glucosamine / chondroitin tablets to build up cartilage. Knot is larger than a pea, smaller than a dime. Any suggestions on what it might be?

      10 year old, male Yorkshire terrier has solid lump/knot at or near the end of the right, floating rib?

      10 year old, male Yorkshire terrier has solid lump/knot at or near the end of the right, floating rib? General Dog Discussions
    • As dogs become older they are more prone to tumors sometimes cancerous and sometimes not. I would check with your vet. He may be suffering and you don't know it.