3 of my dogs have passed away in the last 2 years. The one left is lonely, should we get another dog?

The dog left was a stray. She has confidence issues. She loves the company of other dogs. She is 10 years old. We are torn between getting another dog for her. All my dogs were spoiled with love. I don't know if I can go through the heartbreak of…

    3 of my dogs have passed away in the last 2 years. The one left is lonely, should we get another dog?

    The dog left was a stray. She has confidence issues. She loves the company of other dogs. She is 10 years old. We are torn between getting another dog for her. All my dogs were spoiled with love. I don't know if I can go through the heartbreak of…...
    General Dog Discussions : 3 of my dogs have passed away in the last 2 years. The one left is lonely, should we get another dog?...

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    • 3 of my dogs have passed away in the last 2 years. The one left is lonely, should we get another dog?

      3 of my dogs have passed away in the last 2 years. The one left is lonely, should we get another dog? General Dog Discussions
      The dog left was a stray. She has confidence issues. She loves the company of other dogs. She is 10 years old. We are torn between getting another dog for her. All my dogs were spoiled with love. I don't know if I can go through the heartbreak of loosing another one.

      3 of my dogs have passed away in the last 2 years. The one left is lonely, should we get another dog?

      3 of my dogs have passed away in the last 2 years. The one left is lonely, should we get another dog? General Dog Discussions
    • Wow, that's alot of loss. Were they old or did they get sick?At 10 years old, you won't want a young dog who may be too active and bother her. I vote to get another dog to help you and your dog.

    • no way, you've already killed 3 dogs, why should you get another one, are you trying to get michael vick's autograph?Just kidding, I'm being sarcastic, don't thumbs down me please.Yes, you obviously love dogs and if you don't mind having 2 of them, then you should get another one to keep your current dog company.

    • If you feel the time is right then go for it.When did the last dog pass away? if it wasnt that long ago i would wait to see if the remaining dog starts pinning,she maybe okay.Good luck anyway & hope you do get another one in time.

    • I am sure she loves all the attention and spoiling you give her. Getting her a buddy is a great idea for her and you.. I am sorry for the heartbreak over your other babies. You just have to go about this as getting an entirely new baby as they can never replace the ones you lost.It sounds like you are a very caring person and have enough love to give a forever home to another one. I really believe it helps a little with the grieving.

    • Absolutely. Getting another dog will help you as well as your dog. Your dog will be happy having a companion and it will help you cope with your recent losses. I am very, very, sorry that you had so much loss in the last 2 years. Here is a story to support my point: My friend's dog was 12 years old and listless and was having frequent seizures. Her sister is a vet and told her that she did not have long to live. She decided to adopt a puppy to help her cope with her inevitable loss. Within 2 weeks of the puppy's arrival, her dog was happy, playful again, and did not have anymore seizures. Her dog ended up living another 3 years!! She was 15 when she died!! Having a new dog helps everyone, especially your dog. I am again very sorry about your loss and I hope that you decide to adopt another one :).