Where can I buy a Full Blooded Japanese Akita Puppy?

Does anyone know where I can find full-blooded Japanese Akita Puppies near like oregon idaho and washington. My mom's being picky about gettin a dog so can someone help me?No ok its not dat she's picky she wont get another pit because actually idk y…

    Where can I buy a Full Blooded Japanese Akita Puppy?

    Does anyone know where I can find full-blooded Japanese Akita Puppies near like oregon idaho and washington. My mom's being picky about gettin a dog so can someone help me?No ok its not dat she's picky she wont get another pit because actually idk y…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Where can I buy a Full Blooded Japanese Akita Puppy?...

    • Where can I buy a Full Blooded Japanese Akita Puppy?

      Where can I buy a Full Blooded Japanese Akita Puppy? Dog Breed Discussions
      Does anyone know where I can find full-blooded Japanese Akita Puppies near like oregon idaho and washington. My mom's being picky about gettin a dog so can someone help me?No ok its not dat she's picky she wont get another pit because actually idk y she's my mom and mom's arre confusing she just like to get the rreal thing when she gets something from now own she just wants a pure bred thats all and idk how to find pure breds I never had to find them before i just usually pick something and we'll think about it thats all besides she said if were getting a big dog it would be an akita ever since we saw this movie called hachi: a dog's tale she kinda fell in love with it and now she wants it ok i want it to its so cute thats why im srry this is long i have trouble explaining myself

      Where can I buy a Full Blooded Japanese Akita Puppy?

      Where can I buy a Full Blooded Japanese Akita Puppy? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Woah, woah, woah.Have you even looked at this breed? While an Akita is lovely, they are not for the faint-of-heart. You need to tell your mom to look at the breed and what she should expect when it comes to training, behavior, etc.

    • Google breeders near you. I assure you it'll be VERY expensive ($1,000 usually) and there may not be breeders within a 100 mile radius. I recomend a mutt or cross breed rescue, not only are they healthier, cheaper, and have better temperament--you're also saving a life! Good luck though!

    • Theres the japanese akitas and then theres the american akitas. Your not gonna find any real akitas here in the USA. The japanese demanded that they be seprate breeds. So bascially you wont find a true Akita in the USA only in japan. Japanese Akitas are truely something to behold vs the Americans. If your moms being picky and she's having you ask on here she,unfortantly, isnt really suited for a akita. There large and powerful which is why like the pit there banned in some places and insurance companies wont allow them....Now a Akita mix whole nother story.

    • the "full blooded akita" is the real japanese Akita's,a smaller dog and has only 3 colors(i think) its all white,all brindle, or red with white markings,like markings on a doberman or rottweiler.American Akitas are not truly 100% Akitas.try looking into this Japanese breed:Shiba-inu,looks and acts just like an Akita,but way smaller(20lbs?)Shibas can still be very aggressive towards other dogs,sometimes unpredictable with strangers and may need to be on a leash at all times(have a tendency to run off and may or may not come back to the owner)think about getting an Akita or a Shiba,not the easiest dogs to deal with.Not the cheapest ones either.