My dog has a red watery eye but no yellow puss, I'm wondering if it is allergies a scratch or pink eye.Advice?

My dog has a red watery eye but no yellow puss, I'm wondering if it is allergies a scratch or pink eye.Advice?

    My dog has a red watery eye but no yellow puss, I'm wondering if it is allergies a scratch or pink eye.Advice?

    My dog has a red watery eye but no yellow puss, I'm wondering if it is allergies a scratch or pink eye.Advice?...
    General Dog Discussions : My dog has a red watery eye but no yellow puss, I'm wondering if it is allergies a scratch or pink eye.Advice?...

    • My dog has a red watery eye but no yellow puss, I'm wondering if it is allergies a scratch or pink eye.Advice?

      My dog has a red watery eye but no yellow puss, I'm wondering if it is allergies a scratch or pink eye.Advice? General Dog Discussions
      My dog has a red watery eye but no yellow puss, I'm wondering if it is allergies a scratch or pink eye.Advice?

      My dog has a red watery eye but no yellow puss, I'm wondering if it is allergies a scratch or pink eye.Advice?

      My dog has a red watery eye but no yellow puss, I'm wondering if it is allergies a scratch or pink eye.Advice? General Dog Discussions
    • Keep an eye on it and check with your vet if it continues. I could be a lot of things besides allergies (would be both eyes) or a scratch. Eye injuries hurt and will give you a massive headache, so watch for signs that your dog is light-sensitive or doesn't feel well, too.