What do I do with this problem regarding my puppy biting?

My vaccinated puppy bit me more than 10 days ago, but I am still on my rabies shots. Im having my fourth next week, and today, he got to bit me again. How do I go through this problem?Am I susceptible to have rabies?

    What do I do with this problem regarding my puppy biting?

    My vaccinated puppy bit me more than 10 days ago, but I am still on my rabies shots. Im having my fourth next week, and today, he got to bit me again. How do I go through this problem?Am I susceptible to have rabies?...
    General Dog Discussions : What do I do with this problem regarding my puppy biting?...

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    • What do I do with this problem regarding my puppy biting?

      What do I do with this problem regarding my puppy biting? General Dog Discussions
      My vaccinated puppy bit me more than 10 days ago, but I am still on my rabies shots. Im having my fourth next week, and today, he got to bit me again. How do I go through this problem?Am I susceptible to have rabies?

      What do I do with this problem regarding my puppy biting?

      What do I do with this problem regarding my puppy biting? General Dog Discussions
    • What I do with my dogs is I mess with them a little to where they are play biting and I press their cheeck with my finger into their jaw till they learn not to bite it works pretty good I guess it makes them feel like if they try to bite you it will hurt them. I have four dogs including a pitbull mixed with mastiff and I'm confident they wouldn't even think of biting .

    • to get through my puppy's biting phase, my family used "Binaca" which is basically a mint flavored mouth spray. If your dog bites or nips you, spray that in his mouth and say something along the lines of "no bite."This worked for my puppy seeing as he hates the tastegood luck!

    • Try getting your puppy used to common words such as NO! And STOP! When they try to approach biting. Your puppy will eventually get used to the word and as it grows into a dog,it will hopefully be tammed. If your pet bites hard,try taking a toilet paper role or rolled up newspaper and giving it a tap on the nose. Most puppies bite at first,you just have to have patience with trying to teach them. Also,if this does not work,and your dog continues to bite,go to your nearest vet or animal business and ask a professional,and make sure your dog gets regular rabies shots,and you keep your self from getting infected bits.