How well behaved are akitas as puppies?

My roommate had a great dane puppy, and it was the most misbehaved little rascal. She taught him all his commands around 8 weeks but as it grew up it stopped listening. It still isn't potty trained even though she takes him out all the time and he is…

    How well behaved are akitas as puppies?

    My roommate had a great dane puppy, and it was the most misbehaved little rascal. She taught him all his commands around 8 weeks but as it grew up it stopped listening. It still isn't potty trained even though she takes him out all the time and he is…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How well behaved are akitas as puppies?...

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    • How well behaved are akitas as puppies?

      How well behaved are akitas as puppies? Dog Breed Discussions
      My roommate had a great dane puppy, and it was the most misbehaved little rascal. She taught him all his commands around 8 weeks but as it grew up it stopped listening. It still isn't potty trained even though she takes him out all the time and he is sooo noisy! It also takes off any chance it gets. I was wondering how akita puppies behave, I moved into my own house and want a puppy but after her experience I'm worried.

      How well behaved are akitas as puppies?

      How well behaved are akitas as puppies? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Maybe she didn't give him wrong enough when he misbehavedAll dogs can be a pain if not trained the right way,you have to have a firm voice and although they're too cute to shout must treat them right when they misbehave

    • It's really more of an individual puppy/dog issue, than a breed issue...The GDs I've met where very well behaved dogs...but since your friend's is not, you see how they can vary...You need to read up on Akitas in general (and any other breed you might consider) so you can know if that's a dog you'd be prepared to own for the long're talking 10 - 17 yrs or so (depending on the dog's lifespan)...even though each dog is different, you can get an idea of the general temperament of the breed by reading about them and the standard (as well as their expected grown size, need for exercise, etc...things that may cause you to change your mind about that breed being ideal for your lifestyle)...Good luck!!!

    • Puppies are puppies, aka baby dogs. They are only as behaved as they are trained to be. And before they are trained they are rascals :) If your friends dog is still missbehaving it's bacause it his training, or lack there of, not his breed. If you want a well behaved dog you have to teach it how regardless of breed.

    • It sounds like your roomate wasn't firm & consistant with the training, or the dog wouldn't be like that. Dogs don't just decide not to listen one day and stick with it. I know it's not your dog, but I'd wait until the current one is trained properly, or your rascal could pick up some bad habits. Akitas are great dogs, but very territorial, which could lead to aggression, so a firm hand is needed for this breed. They're like any puppy - rambunctious and need lots of attention, socialization training and care. Otherwise, they're great!

    • Most Akita puppies are extremely easy to train, up to about 4 months old. That's when they become "teenagers" and the stubbornness starts to creep in. A few months later they mature sexually and the dominance starts to make itself known. When they are fully mature (age 2 or 3), if you haven't laid a good foundation, they can easily end up out of control. And don't forget Akitas are also dog-aggressive.That's why inexperienced people should not get an Akita for a first dog, sometimes not even second. If you don't handle these stages correctly, you can end up with a dog even worse than your roommate's Dane. I suggest you get an easier breed. Maybe keep the Akita in mind for a future pet.