what bitch could i mate with a wolf hybrid cross japanese akita?

HI, i have a wolf hybrid cross japanese akita, and was wondering what would be a good mix with it? I ask because a few of my friends have offered me their bitches as a companion, and they are all un-neutered, so i was just wondering if i could have some…

    what bitch could i mate with a wolf hybrid cross japanese akita?

    HI, i have a wolf hybrid cross japanese akita, and was wondering what would be a good mix with it? I ask because a few of my friends have offered me their bitches as a companion, and they are all un-neutered, so i was just wondering if i could have some…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : what bitch could i mate with a wolf hybrid cross japanese akita?...

    • what bitch could i mate with a wolf hybrid cross japanese akita?

      what bitch could i mate with a wolf hybrid cross japanese akita? Dog Breed Discussions
      HI, i have a wolf hybrid cross japanese akita, and was wondering what would be a good mix with it? I ask because a few of my friends have offered me their bitches as a companion, and they are all un-neutered, so i was just wondering if i could have some opinions as to what would be a good mix so i know whether to get any of these bitches neutered! Thanks in advancewhy is it bad to breed cross breeds??????

      what bitch could i mate with a wolf hybrid cross japanese akita?

      what bitch could i mate with a wolf hybrid cross japanese akita? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Dont breed more dogs into the world. The fact that your dog is a mix, if you bred him with another dog nobody would buy the puppies. Then youd be left with 6-12 pups..what would you do with them? Youd end up putting them into shelters with the other 100's of 1000s of dogs in shelters. Do the dog population a favor and if you want another dog or 2, adopt them and save their lives. Dont bring anymore dogs into the world that will most likely end up being unwanted. Get your dog fixed, and tell all your friends to get there's fixed as well. It's the only mature decision to make.

    • Why is it bad?1) Crossbreeds are disposable and worth eff-all but the cost of their vaccinations. Such dogs are likely to end up as shelter fodder and shelters are overflowing as it is as the world as a serious pet overpopulation problem - why produce more? Often shelter dogs are put to sleep because there is no room for them. Why contribute to that?2) Crossing breeds means you may be crossing dogs that are not genetically or physical compatible. Can you imagine crossing a pug with the typical respiratory problems of a Pug and a Jack Russell with the typical energy of a Jack Russell? Nightmare! Why produce dogs that are obviously going to have problems?3) The only time crossing breeds is justified is if you have a real use for the offspring produced. Staffordshire Bull Terriers, for example, were bred from both Terriers and Bulldogs to produce a certain result - dogs with the energy of a Terrier with the strength of a Bulldog to produce a dog that is suitable for fighting (or as "suitable" fighting actually is). That might not be exactly how it happened and I certainly do not agree with what happened, but you get my drift. It is unethical and potentially downright dangerous to produce mutts if there is going to be no real place or use for them in the world.There's three good, well-thought-out reasons for you. Spay/neuter your animals and quit being a wannabe back yard breeder!

    • none of themWhy is it bad? Because there are thousands of dogs being euthanized daily because of lack of homes... yes, THOUSANDS on a DAILY basis. at least 75-85% of them (if not more) are mixed breed dogs.. expecially large mixed breed dogs.There's nothing special or particular about your dog that sets it apart from the thousands of other mixes.. your dogs puppies wont have anything special or particular about them either.. just more mutts to add to the over population problem.Having "wolf" in the mix doesnt make them any more valuable either. Most "wolf hybrids" actually dont have a lick of wolf in them.. there are so many people who breed husky and malamute mixes and try to pass them off as "wolf hybrids" just to make a profit. True wolf hybrids really dont make such great pets anyways.Breeding should only be done to improove and preserve. Since mixes have unpredictable traits and qualities, you cannot use them to improove or preserve anything- you just dont know what traits the pups will get! Only purebred dogs that have prooven themselves either in the show ring, or by doing the appropriate job for the breed, and have passed proper health tests should be used for breeding.