Someone who has experience with akitas please answer this?

I have heard that akitas can be real dominant but if you get it spayed or neutered will that trait kind of dwindle down?

    Someone who has experience with akitas please answer this?

    I have heard that akitas can be real dominant but if you get it spayed or neutered will that trait kind of dwindle down?...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Someone who has experience with akitas please answer this?...

    • Someone who has experience with akitas please answer this?

      Someone who has experience with akitas please answer this? Dog Breed Discussions
      I have heard that akitas can be real dominant but if you get it spayed or neutered will that trait kind of dwindle down?

      Someone who has experience with akitas please answer this?

      Someone who has experience with akitas please answer this? Dog Breed Discussions
    • they are a VERY aggressive breed....most asian breeds (other then the pug) have nasty temperments....akitas were and are used for fighting over there....

    • They can be ok if you bring them up from a pup, You can do the dominance thing with them as a pup and you will be fine with them.The most dominant breeds are the best ones if you ask me, They make loyal and fine guardians!Isnt it nice when a breed wants to look after you irrespective of whether you need it or not.

    • OK first off getting them neutered does not necessarily take care of that problem.. Akita's are aloof, and it is bred into them. Yes there are alot of nice Akitas out there. I had one. But he was protective of his property. They are a hunting dog, for very large dangerous game. Like boars, deer, stag, heck mine would of went out and tried to get an elephant if he could have. That is why most people when they have them, have male/female to hunt with, as other males like to fight. I do not mean breed. They do not want other dogs in their yard, and they will so protect their families..they will die for you. An Akita is not a dog for everyone. They need a strong but undertanding hand. They need to know right off you are th boss, not them. They are not up to an abusive hand either...I mean just firm. They need to go to obedience classes when they are young to let them know other dogs are ok in their area. My male loved to foster any kind of animal, but I also use to teach obedience, and had him everywhere I could take him. But don't think you were going to just walk in my house unannounced. It would not happen. Not once in his life, did he ever try to bite anyone. But you knew better than to hurt my girls with him around.. I just want to make sure you truly study the breed before you invest. Talk to breeders, and talk to more breeders. They do shed alot. And they are so beautiful dogs. Please, think wisely on this breed.

    • Akitas are known to be an aggressive breed, mostly to other animals. Akitas were bred for things like hunting and guard work. I have one patient an Akita puppy I have seen since 8 weeks old and today she is almost a year old and I haven't seen an aggressive bone in her body. My advice to her owner when she first brought her in was to socialize her alot as a puppy with other people and pets that don't live within the household. I believe in spaying and neutering pets before 6 months of age before they start learning all of those sexual behaviors people don't want there pets doing such as humping. It makes for a much nicer and happier pet and helps with things like aggression in addition to good socialization and obedience. You have to put the time and effort in to it, good luck.

    • Akita are a spitz breed and their temperaments are similar, be they the tiny Pomeranian, Japanese Spitz, Malamute or the beautiful Akita.Read up on them and decide for yourself if you are willing to put in the work involved to have an obedient and loving pet. Spaying will only help minimally.They are Japan's National Dog. this one to temperament test the one you want to buy: puppying

    • Akitas are fighting dogs, and they've just gotten a bad rap. They are just like pit bulls: if you treat them with love and respect then they will not be aggressive. It all comes down to how the owner treats the dog. Before you adopt one, get to know it. Play with it and see how it's temperament is. I understand that some dogs are just plain mean, but most of it depends on the owner.