How do I stop my Caviler King Charles puppy from peeing?

I have a Caviler King Charles Spaniel and she is 4 1/2 months old. She pee's everywhere. It so hard to have her inside because she pee's all over the place. Its not that she has to go, its becuase she is nervous and pittles all over the place. As soon as…

    How do I stop my Caviler King Charles puppy from peeing?

    I have a Caviler King Charles Spaniel and she is 4 1/2 months old. She pee's everywhere. It so hard to have her inside because she pee's all over the place. Its not that she has to go, its becuase she is nervous and pittles all over the place. As soon as…...
    General Dog Discussions : How do I stop my Caviler King Charles puppy from peeing?...

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    • How do I stop my Caviler King Charles puppy from peeing?

      How do I stop my Caviler King Charles puppy from peeing? General Dog Discussions
      I have a Caviler King Charles Spaniel and she is 4 1/2 months old. She pee's everywhere. It so hard to have her inside because she pee's all over the place. Its not that she has to go, its becuase she is nervous and pittles all over the place. As soon as you say something to her, she pee's. Help.

      How do I stop my Caviler King Charles puppy from peeing?

      How do I stop my Caviler King Charles puppy from peeing? General Dog Discussions
    • Wow have never heard of a Cavalier having that sort of problem. Are you sure your Cavalier isn't mixed with a Cocker Spaniel? Sounds like submissive urination. Your best bet would be putting diapers on your dog so when she piddles it won't be all over the floor. Plus I've heard that if a dog soils on itself while wearing the diaper it doesn't like so its less likely to do it again and will eventually stop peeing all over. Hopefully she'll grow out of the problem.

    • Take her to the vet and have her checked for a bladder infection. This is a common reason for a dog to urinate by accident other than lack of housebreaking. Also use a cage for housebreaking and you can get books about this. This is the best way to train. Please do consult with the vet and even ask if you can try a round of antibiotics even if no crystals or white cells are found.