question about a labrador and a japanese akita?

we are thinking of buying a 3 months old japanese akita. but we already have a 4yrs old labrador at home.. would it be ok if we bring an akita at home or would they fight? would they get along or not?

    question about a labrador and a japanese akita?

    we are thinking of buying a 3 months old japanese akita. but we already have a 4yrs old labrador at home.. would it be ok if we bring an akita at home or would they fight? would they get along or not?...
    Dog Breed Discussions : question about a labrador and a japanese akita?...

    • question about a labrador and a japanese akita?

      question about a labrador and a japanese akita? Dog Breed Discussions
      we are thinking of buying a 3 months old japanese akita. but we already have a 4yrs old labrador at home.. would it be ok if we bring an akita at home or would they fight? would they get along or not?

      question about a labrador and a japanese akita?

      question about a labrador and a japanese akita? Dog Breed Discussions
    • It depends how your labrador reacts to you now. If your labrador is aggressive towards people, you should think about not getting the akita. But mostly labradors are very intelligent dogs so I think it will be okay to have a labrador and a akita in the same household together. Just make sure to let them get used to eachother!

    • Labs are of kind disposition and are know for their gentle temperament... Also since ur lab is already 4 yr old I think it's going to be just find... Even if ur Akita turns out to be aggressive lab will easily became submissive

    • There soundnt be a problem with the lab. Its the akita youll need to wory about. There dominate dogs even at that age and it may try to boss your lab around. Akitas do best in a one dog house hold so be sure you know evyerhting about them. Like most insurance companies wont insure you with a akita since there prown to attack strangers. There are so many homeless ones be sure you can commit to the possible hospital bills, or getting sued if the akita gets loose and runs loose. Even the best akita is domiante. Thats just how they are. Theyre protective of what they clam as theres and will kill anything opposing them. Im not saying dont get one just know what may happen. Before you make the final decision make sure you can handle a large powerful dog like a akita. There doesnt need to be anymore in shelters.(or put down coz they bit someone).

    • If they are opposite sexes, you are probably okay. Same sex, it's going to depend on the dogs - Akitas are usually dominant, Labs can be either dominant or laid back non-alphas. VERY rarely do you find a non-dominant Akita. If they are the same sex, chances are when the pup gets old enough, you will have fights and Akitas do not squabble - their instinct is to finish the fight (although you can interfere but you will never be able to leave the dogs together unattended again). Male-female tend more to squabble than truly fight (if they do anything) Noisy squabbles the dogs can become friends again, silent all-out fights to kill, the dogs will never be friends again.I've had 2 male Akitas (one unneutered show dog and 1 neutered rescue) both were very laid backed by dominant, yet got along fine with my Siberian pack .. even had close Siberian pals of the same sex. But I never left the Akitas with the Siberians unattended. However the male show Akita raised all my Siberian pups and a neighbor's litter of GSD/Aussies (2 of which my mother and than I kept for life - no problems with the Akitas - I also had a full female show Akita at that time).The female Akita had some problems with the Siberians - she was VERY dominant and I had to train her to behave under supervision with the pack. I could leave her with the male Akitas (she was younger than the show male and lived to 14.5 - which was after the rescue male came in) and the female Akita lived her whole life with Lea (spayed female) and Khan (neutered male), the GSD/Aussie mixes without problem.My current Akita-x (Auusie, maybe?) female gets along great with a young male dominant Siberian but at 18 months started attacking the female Siberians (most of whom are seniors). I can MAKE Eva behave in the house or under supervision, but having dogs that don't get along can be very stressful. Before 18 months, Eva played great with everyone but when she hit adulthood the dominance factor kicked in.I know you hoped for a yes or no - but pack relationships are not that straight forward. Without knowing the dog themselves, no one here can tell you for sure.