3 month old puppy has green snot coming out of nose?

I recently got a 3 month old puppy from the humane society. I took him to the vet 3 days ago and he gave me some antibiotics for an URI, but when I took him to the vet his snot wasn't green. Starting yesterday his snot turned to a lime green color and…

    3 month old puppy has green snot coming out of nose?

    I recently got a 3 month old puppy from the humane society. I took him to the vet 3 days ago and he gave me some antibiotics for an URI, but when I took him to the vet his snot wasn't green. Starting yesterday his snot turned to a lime green color and…...
    General Dog Discussions : 3 month old puppy has green snot coming out of nose?...

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    • 3 month old puppy has green snot coming out of nose?

      3 month old puppy has green snot coming out of nose? General Dog Discussions
      I recently got a 3 month old puppy from the humane society. I took him to the vet 3 days ago and he gave me some antibiotics for an URI, but when I took him to the vet his snot wasn't green. Starting yesterday his snot turned to a lime green color and hes been sneezing. He has another appointment in 5 days, but I don't know if I should go ahead and take him in now or just wait until his next appointment. Any advice?

      3 month old puppy has green snot coming out of nose?

      3 month old puppy has green snot coming out of nose? General Dog Discussions
    • You can't take any chances with a puppy this young. I would try and bring forward your appointment with the Vet. He needs to be checked over asap as this could very quickly turn into Pneumonia if not treated immediately.I hope he makes a quick recovery.