Will my new puppy be ok home along during the day?

I am getting a mini australian shepherd puppy in 2 weeks. I am completely prepared for her, new puppy vet appointment and everything. I work 8:30-5:30 everyday and am coming home at lunch to walk her. Will she be ok when I am not home?I have gotten a…

    Will my new puppy be ok home along during the day?

    I am getting a mini australian shepherd puppy in 2 weeks. I am completely prepared for her, new puppy vet appointment and everything. I work 8:30-5:30 everyday and am coming home at lunch to walk her. Will she be ok when I am not home?I have gotten a…...
    General Dog Discussions : Will my new puppy be ok home along during the day?...

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    • Will my new puppy be ok home along during the day?

      Will my new puppy be ok home along during the day? General Dog Discussions
      I am getting a mini australian shepherd puppy in 2 weeks. I am completely prepared for her, new puppy vet appointment and everything. I work 8:30-5:30 everyday and am coming home at lunch to walk her. Will she be ok when I am not home?I have gotten a large crate, and the necessary items to keep her comfortable and happy all day.

      Will my new puppy be ok home along during the day?

      Will my new puppy be ok home along during the day? General Dog Discussions
    • That is a bit long for a puppy to be home alone and to not be able to go out. I puppy should go out every two hours. If you could find someone to take the puppy out during the day so that she isn't in her crate for that many hours that would be better for her.

    • Nope. You will never get her housebroken that way.A pup 8-10 weeks of age MUST go out every hour or so (plus 15 minutes after eating, drinking or playing) to ensure proper housebreaking. Also, this is a critical time for a pup, having just left the dam and littermates, and she will need more supervision and social interaction and exercise than your schedule can comfortably offer.I would rethink the pup and aim for a young adult dog instead.EDIT: The schedule you have would likely work quite well for an 8-10 month old juvenile, or adult dog. An 8-10 WEEK old pup cannot be left in a crate for 4+ hours. They have little to no sphincter control at that age, and cannot hold their bladdars for that long. If she eliminates in the crate and you're not there, there is nothing to stop her from eating it or rolling in it. It's not a good idea.

    • They can usually handle 4 hours in their crates. No more tho. You don't want too big of a crate. If they have enough room to sleep at one end and poop at the other they will.

    • Yes the same thing happened with me and I left my dog at home and came home during the lunch hour. Your dog will be fine but make sure it stays in its crate until you can trust it. Or if its possible have a neighbor or a relative maybe come over to play with the dog sometimes but I would only say to do this once a week if possible but if not your dog will be fine. Have fun with the new family member!!! :)

    • get somone you trust to come and see her while you are at work that is what my mum does when we are at work and school then she wont be lonley for as long even if they only stay 10 mins good luck make sure she had food and water when you leave tell them to come at around 10:00 then she will be spending 2 or 3 hours home alone untill you come then get somone to come in the afternoon

    • she will be fine. don't leave her collar on her in the crate, though. it can choke her. and i would put her on a floor that is not carpet in case she has an accident that spills out of the cage. i had one that pood and then jumped around. it was all over the room. we keep new puppies in the bathroom during the day now. also it helps if you leave a radio on not very loud. it helps her not feel so alone. if she is really young, you can also put a ticking clock in the room. it reminds them of their mothers heartbeat from the womb and soothes them.

    • She should be. The first couple of days they don't know whats going on but they are fine. My dogs love their crates and always run to it to play in. Leave something soft in there for them to sleep on. Dogs sleep most of the day so they should be fine. We give our dogs nylabones and they hardly chew it because they are sleeping. They love it so much though it makes them happy. If you can tell she doesn't like it then try moving it to your bedroom. She will learn to like it if she can sleep with in it.

    • Puppies should never be left alone for long hours, it's kind of cruel. How old is the puppy going to be? If under 8 months I don't recommend leaving her alone for such a long time. Has she been litter box trained?

    • You are asking a lot of an active working-type of dog to be cooped up in a crate for 9 hours a day!Australian Shepherds need LOTS of exercise and something to do - like agility, fly-ball, frisbee catching or another active sport to burn energy and use their minds. These are highly intelligent dogs that need a job to do.Unless you plan on spending hours each night working and exercising this dog, and more time on the weekends .... then you will have a very frustrated young dog that will get into all sorts of trouble looking for something to do! (and don't blame it on the dog when it happens)Do you have sheep for it to herd? Do you live on a farm, or have access to wide open spaces to exercise this Aussie? A few leash walks a day won't cut it for these special dogs.

    • put your dog in a crate and give them food before u leave and let them go 2 the bathroom bfore u leave. if you come back halfway through the day i think she will be fine.but i am just sayin ghtis 4 ur good, if u give a small dog a big crate, they pea and poo in it cause they can then go 2 a different part of the crate and lay down. other than that, i think u will be fine and wish u good luck with ur new australian shepard puppy.

    • oh i love those aussies i think it will be okay at home just remember to walk give it lunch and play with it and let it out to go pottygood luck on te dog hope i helped!