How many shots does a puppy get?

My 4 month old Docker has had her up to date booster and rabies but how many more shots will she need. I just want to make sure I'm doing everything right cause the vet hasn't been really informative with me. <img src="" alt=":(" /> I have tried to ask for a timeline but she…

    How many shots does a puppy get?

    My 4 month old Docker has had her up to date booster and rabies but how many more shots will she need. I just want to make sure I'm doing everything right cause the vet hasn't been really informative with me. <img src="" alt=":(" /> I have tried to ask for a timeline but she…...
    General Dog Discussions : How many shots does a puppy get?...

    • How many shots does a puppy get?

      How many shots does a puppy get? General Dog Discussions
      My 4 month old Docker has had her up to date booster and rabies but how many more shots will she need. I just want to make sure I'm doing everything right cause the vet hasn't been really informative with me. :( I have tried to ask for a timeline but she just says that we'll schedule when we get to that point. Bossy is my first dog ever and I don't wanna do any wrong by her in any way.

      How many shots does a puppy get?

      How many shots does a puppy get? General Dog Discussions
    • Series of 3 puppie vaccinations, about 2 weeks apart, then rabies and a booster at one year.That's about it --- your vet should have made that clear.De-worming was done I assume, now all you need is a good, name brand topical flea/tick preventative like Advantix and a monthly heatworm preventative.