Is it common for dogs to become bow legged and what do you recommend doing for a dog who is?

I own a 4 month old puggle puppy. He has started to become bow legged and we went to the vet today and took xrays and his legs are definately in the process of becoming more bowed. The doctor recommended that we send him to a specialist but we dont have…

    Is it common for dogs to become bow legged and what do you recommend doing for a dog who is?

    I own a 4 month old puggle puppy. He has started to become bow legged and we went to the vet today and took xrays and his legs are definately in the process of becoming more bowed. The doctor recommended that we send him to a specialist but we dont have…...
    General Dog Discussions : Is it common for dogs to become bow legged and what do you recommend doing for a dog who is?...

    • Is it common for dogs to become bow legged and what do you recommend doing for a dog who is?

      Is it common for dogs to become bow legged and what do you recommend doing for a dog who is? General Dog Discussions
      I own a 4 month old puggle puppy. He has started to become bow legged and we went to the vet today and took xrays and his legs are definately in the process of becoming more bowed. The doctor recommended that we send him to a specialist but we dont have tons of money to be dishing out. I was under the impression that they only had to splint up the legs that were bowed and the bones would form correctly as he grew. Do you know is this is all normal and what we can do besides going to a specialist to help him with his legs?

      Is it common for dogs to become bow legged and what do you recommend doing for a dog who is?

      Is it common for dogs to become bow legged and what do you recommend doing for a dog who is? General Dog Discussions
    • For some breeds a slight noticable bow is normal. But if the vet said he needed a specialist there's a reason. My dog (pictured) had his growth plates in front legs not function right. You got two bones in your arm, alna & radius (and so do dogs in front legs). One of his bones (I believe the radius) stopped growing & caused the other bone to "bow". He had to have surgery to remove the radius ($2,000) but lived to a ripe old age of 10 even tho the vet said since he was the runt of the litter he would probably not live long. But back then I wasn't rich, but had some $ to spend, if something like that happened now I don't know what I would do. Perhaps they would allow payments? There is nothing you can really do to put a "bandaid" on this and make it go away. The dog will be an awful pain if not treated whatever the problem is. Its a tough call, I sure wish u the best.