How much should I feed my 5 month old Yorkie?

I have been feeding her 3 times a day. 730 am 1230 pm and 530 pm.I give her about a handful of Eukanuba puppy food and mix in a table spoon of pedigree wet food(the meaty kind). Am I giving her too much? She is 5 months old and weighs 4 pounds. When I…

    How much should I feed my 5 month old Yorkie?

    I have been feeding her 3 times a day. 730 am 1230 pm and 530 pm.I give her about a handful of Eukanuba puppy food and mix in a table spoon of pedigree wet food(the meaty kind). Am I giving her too much? She is 5 months old and weighs 4 pounds. When I…...
    General Dog Discussions : How much should I feed my 5 month old Yorkie?...

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    • How much should I feed my 5 month old Yorkie?

      How much should I feed my 5 month old Yorkie? General Dog Discussions
      I have been feeding her 3 times a day. 730 am 1230 pm and 530 pm.I give her about a handful of Eukanuba puppy food and mix in a table spoon of pedigree wet food(the meaty kind). Am I giving her too much? She is 5 months old and weighs 4 pounds. When I got her she was 3 pounds and I have had her for 6 weeks and she is has gained 1 pound.

      How much should I feed my 5 month old Yorkie?

      How much should I feed my 5 month old Yorkie? General Dog Discussions
    • It may be too much. Start with the amount recommended on the package of dog food. The canned food isn't necessary and may actually encourage her to become a fussy eater. I wouldn't mix wet food in unless you're trying to make it sticky so medicine can be mixed in.A 33% increase in weight in just six weeks seems like a lot to me.Each dog is an individual. Some Yorkies would weigh more and others less than yours and still be the right weight for that particular dog. I have three German Shepherds. One eats 2 cups per day, one five, and one six. The difference is in metabolism, not breed, or even size (the smallest eats the most).When viewed from above, does your dog have a waist? Can you feel her ribs? A dog of a healthy weight will have an obvious waist and you'll be able to feel the ribs. If, on the other hand, you can easily feel her pelvic bones, she may be underweight.Your vet is your best resource in determining whether he weight is appropriate. You might also check with the breeder you go her from and see what they think.