What do you use to walk your dachshunds and feed them?

Okay so I have a few doxies some walk perfect but my puppy always eats everything the vet diagnosed her as having pica. She's already had surgery to get things removed and is only 6 months old I've try the leave it command but can't always catch her and…

    What do you use to walk your dachshunds and feed them?

    Okay so I have a few doxies some walk perfect but my puppy always eats everything the vet diagnosed her as having pica. She's already had surgery to get things removed and is only 6 months old I've try the leave it command but can't always catch her and…...
    General Dog Discussions : What do you use to walk your dachshunds and feed them?...

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    • What do you use to walk your dachshunds and feed them?

      What do you use to walk your dachshunds and feed them? General Dog Discussions
      Okay so I have a few doxies some walk perfect but my puppy always eats everything the vet diagnosed her as having pica. She's already had surgery to get things removed and is only 6 months old I've try the leave it command but can't always catch her and she can break out of a harness aand collar also so I've been using a prong collar but I'm wanting to know if anyone has used a halti.Another question is what do you feed your dachshunds?

      What do you use to walk your dachshunds and feed them?

      What do you use to walk your dachshunds and feed them? General Dog Discussions
    • I've never had a dachshund. If she has pica it means she's lacking something in her diet. Have the vet run some tests to find out what.By the way, this is the cat section. Asking this in the dog section will get you better, more helpful answers.

    • I walk my 2 dachshunds on an ajoining leash...one leash connecting their two harnesses together. One of them walks better than the other one, so this helps the one that doesn't walk to well walk better since the other one helps him. Make sure you use a harness and not collars when walking them, as they need the back support of a harness. I just feed min Old Roy...the white bag kind. They love the little white pieces in it.