I need some help or tips with my doberman puppy?

My 9 month old doberman puppy has been peeing everywhere but he knows how to go outside and he has ran out the front door 3 times.

    I need some help or tips with my doberman puppy?

    My 9 month old doberman puppy has been peeing everywhere but he knows how to go outside and he has ran out the front door 3 times....
    General Dog Discussions : I need some help or tips with my doberman puppy?...

    • I need some help or tips with my doberman puppy?

      I need some help or tips with my doberman puppy? General Dog Discussions
      My 9 month old doberman puppy has been peeing everywhere but he knows how to go outside and he has ran out the front door 3 times.

      I need some help or tips with my doberman puppy?

      I need some help or tips with my doberman puppy? General Dog Discussions
    • 1) Dog needs to be checked by the vet for a urinary tract infection.2) Dogs needs to be crate-trained or confined to one cleanable floor. (No more run of the house, if it cannot be trusted).3) You need to consider neutering, if the dog doesn't have an infection, since this is probably indoor MARKING.

    • First your nine month old “teen” or adolescent should be taken to the vet for a health check as there could be inflammation or infection of the urinary tract to name to possible medical reasons for his inability to hold his urine. I would be surprised if he is passing urine for no reason, as dogs instinctively do not want to soil inside the home and will “tell” someone in the household they need to go outside by for example positioning itself by the by the backdoor or barking. If he is healthy and it is hormone driven marking, I would strongly advise against having a young dog that is not yet mentally and physically mature castrated and instead when you cannot supervise him use a crate, and when he shows signs in his behavior that he is about to mark, tell him LEAVE in a firm voice, which should snag his attention. If he is already in the act of marking, tell him NO which should stop the flow of urine. Clean the area with a pet product that will remove all trace (scent) of his urine.Running outside the front door could cause a road traffic accident resulting in death or serious injury to your Doberman and road users. Teach your Doberman the place command, so when he hears it he reliably takes himself to a trained spot in the house (it could be his bed, crate or anywhere else he can get to easily) and remain there until he hears the release work which means he can move about as normal. Whilst you are training him, either put him behind a baby gate or locked door before you open the front door. If you think you may need a prompt, fix a not to the inside of the front door saying something along the lines is the dog safely contained in one spot?