How old should you neuter your pup?

I have a 5 month old yellow lab puppy. I've heard you should get your dog neutered before 6 months and I've also heard 6-9 months. What is the correct age to have this done?

    How old should you neuter your pup?

    I have a 5 month old yellow lab puppy. I've heard you should get your dog neutered before 6 months and I've also heard 6-9 months. What is the correct age to have this done?...
    General Dog Discussions : How old should you neuter your pup?...

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    • The vets are performing spay/neuters earlier all the time. They say that the younger the pup (within reason), the faster they bounce back. I think the general rule of thumb is anywhere from 4 to 6 months.

    • Bethany, not all people that keep their dogs intact do so for breeding purposes. We have had intact dogs for as long as I can remember and now that I am on my own have continued leaving my pets intact. Never have we bred a litter either planned or unplanned. Our dogs don't mate, but then we know how to keep them apart when the female goes into heat.To the OP, please read the link below, it will give you the cons and pros of neutering your pet. It's the best advice I can give you so that you can make an informed decision.

    • If you go down the castration road, I prefer to leave males until they are between 12 and 18 months before castrating. This allows them some time to mature. Provided you have him properly housed, and not living with an entire b itch, give him a bit more time. And who knows, you might prefer not to castrate him at all. Castration is not a cure-all and should never be regarded as an alternative to training. The only thing it will do is prevent him from ever siring a litter. It is not reversible, and it needs due consideration.PS I am assuming this is a male btw.Edit - Testicles 'drop' in a male puppy at around 10 weeks - NOT 6 months!!

    • I would say 6 to 9 months, though my dog was neutered at a year old with no humping problems. If you think your dog is extremely subservient, than its ok to leave at a while. However, non-neutering before adulthood will lead to problems later on, so don't drag.

    • If you plan on neutering your puppy, it's usually done when he is around 5-6 months-old. They wait till then because that's around the time when the testicles have dropped. If you get him checked by the vet, they can tell if it's ok to neuter your puppy or if you should wait. Best of luck. Hope I helped.

    • Female - six months. Male - seven to eight months. You can neuter males dogs at six months, but the reason for waiting is so the dog will more fully develop male characteristics (such as a broader head).FYI: In male cats you should always wait until 7 to 8 months. Again this allows the further development of male characteristics, which includes a larger urethra. Male cats are very prone to cystitis, and even blockage of the urethra, so a larger urethra is much healthier.

    • I don't like to neuter male dogs before they are 18 months old. The testosterone helps them develop muscle mass during their adolescence and young adulthood. Sometimes if they are neutered too young they don't fill out.