my 8wk.old puppies foot is turning out what can be done to fix it?

I had to start bottle feeding this puppy when he was 5 days,he is doing great except his left front foot is pointing outward.I am worried about how this will affect him as hes growing.I have been giving him calcium that my vet suggested for the past 3…

    my 8wk.old puppies foot is turning out what can be done to fix it?

    I had to start bottle feeding this puppy when he was 5 days,he is doing great except his left front foot is pointing outward.I am worried about how this will affect him as hes growing.I have been giving him calcium that my vet suggested for the past 3…...
    General Dog Discussions : my 8wk.old puppies foot is turning out what can be done to fix it?...

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    • my 8wk.old puppies foot is turning out what can be done to fix it?

      my 8wk.old puppies foot is turning out what can be done to fix it? General Dog Discussions
      I had to start bottle feeding this puppy when he was 5 days,he is doing great except his left front foot is pointing outward.I am worried about how this will affect him as hes growing.I have been giving him calcium that my vet suggested for the past 3 weeks.

      my 8wk.old puppies foot is turning out what can be done to fix it?

      my 8wk.old puppies foot is turning out what can be done to fix it? General Dog Discussions
    • what breed? wouldn't be giving calcium to a pup... unless the vet specializes in a breed (your breed) they sometimes have the one size fits all mentality and for my breed, calcium during growing is a big no no.