Why is my new puppy not drinking water?

I got my new yorkie puppy earlier today. So far she has ate but drank no water. I don't know what to do and am starting to worry. She is 7 weeks old.

    Why is my new puppy not drinking water?

    I got my new yorkie puppy earlier today. So far she has ate but drank no water. I don't know what to do and am starting to worry. She is 7 weeks old....
    General Dog Discussions : Why is my new puppy not drinking water?...

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    • Something wrong with the water? She will drink, just give her time. Check to see if she's dehydrated. Pinch the skin on her back and if it snaps back fast he's hydrated if it takes a while she needs some fluids in her- best take her to the vet. Puppies are usually in shock when they get to a new home. By the way 7 weeks old is wayyyyy too young to be taken away from the mom- thats a bad breeder.

    • She was probably separated from her mother too early. The general rule of thumb is that a puppy should not be separated from its mother earlier than 8 weeks old. I would consult your veterinarian if this behavior persists. It is not normal for a puppy not to drink.

    • Believe it or not dogs are some peculiar creatures. They are very shy and watch everything we do. If you just got your puppy give it some time. He did eat ,so don't worry about him drinking. He just needs to start to adjust to his new home.

    • Chances are your new puppy is stressed due to the radical change in environments. Watch her close for awhile and play with her to encourage bonding. Offer her water after some playtime. If she still refuses and continues to do so, you may need to call your vet to make sure she doesn't have a kidney issue. Chances are she is still a little unsure about her home.Good luck

    • Being a tiny puppy, is it possible she is drinking and you haven't noticed? Some things to try: You can put water in a smaller or a different bowl for her. You could try moving the water bowl to an area that she is more comfortable in.I have a dog that doesn't like to drink if the water bowl is on tiled floor. It's a quirk, but she doesn't like tiled floors and hates to go in the kitchen because of that. Since you just got her, she may be a bit stressed. That is not unusual.When you give her food, you can add water and that will help her get started drinking. These are just some thoughts about it. Mostly it could be she is adjusting to being in a new home but part of being in a new setting is getting her first Vet check up to make sure you got a healthy puppy.

    • You have to teach her, as she not really out of the nursing stage. Get a little bowl of water, put your finger in it, and wet her mouth. Keep doing this and she will start licking your finger, then gradually lower it into the bowl. You may need to drip water down your finger until she gets the idea. Don't give up as it is important for her to have water. Best wishes

    • You could dip finger in water and let puppy lick water from finger. The Yorkie may not know where the water is or may not like the container the water is in you might want to put water in a saucer. Also a baby puppy should be fed wet soaked food and he can get his water that way but keep an eye on puppy water is very important to a puppy they can not go long without.

    • She just needs to get used to her new environment. Try adding some chicken broth to her water, or just mix some water with her food. When I first got my pup she didn't drink for a day or two. Also make sure that her bowl is pretty small, you could even try giving her water out of your hand, or a bottled water lid.