My puppy is having seizures after a probable milk aspiration?

How can I help my puppy 25 days old golden retriever survive as it does not want to get bottle milk formula after a probable milk aspiration during bottle milking it.It is an orphan and I have feeding it for 14 days without any problems.please help me…

    My puppy is having seizures after a probable milk aspiration?

    How can I help my puppy 25 days old golden retriever survive as it does not want to get bottle milk formula after a probable milk aspiration during bottle milking it.It is an orphan and I have feeding it for 14 days without any problems.please help me…...
    General Dog Discussions : My puppy is having seizures after a probable milk aspiration?...

    • My puppy is having seizures after a probable milk aspiration?

      My puppy is having seizures after a probable milk aspiration? General Dog Discussions
      How can I help my puppy 25 days old golden retriever survive as it does not want to get bottle milk formula after a probable milk aspiration during bottle milking it.It is an orphan and I have feeding it for 14 days without any problems.please help me quickly understand whether milk aspiration in puppies is recoverable?

      My puppy is having seizures after a probable milk aspiration?

      My puppy is having seizures after a probable milk aspiration? General Dog Discussions
    • You asked this yesterday, and if you haven't had the pup to a vet by now, I wouldn't hold out much hope for the pup surviving.Please get the pup to a vet and stop asking on here, no one has the medical background to help you.

    • Just 30 minutes ago, you said you were going to the Vet in 3 hours, and this puppy was also having seizures. In 2 1/2 more hours, your Vet can answer all of your questions. I will tell you this.......things aren't looking too good for this puppy. If I were you, I'd be talking it to a Vet NOW. If your regular Vet isn't open now, an ER Vet will be. They're open 24/7.