What is the best reasons NOT to buy a puppy as a Christmas gift?

Well, since Christmas is coming up and people are going to want that "cute little puppy" for Christmas, lets list the major reasons that getting a puppy for Christmas is a bad idea!What do you all think?You guys are WONDERFUL!!! I love all of the great…

    What is the best reasons NOT to buy a puppy as a Christmas gift?

    Well, since Christmas is coming up and people are going to want that "cute little puppy" for Christmas, lets list the major reasons that getting a puppy for Christmas is a bad idea!What do you all think?You guys are WONDERFUL!!! I love all of the great…...
    General Dog Discussions : What is the best reasons NOT to buy a puppy as a Christmas gift?...

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    • What is the best reasons NOT to buy a puppy as a Christmas gift?

      What is the best reasons NOT to buy a puppy as a Christmas gift? General Dog Discussions
      Well, since Christmas is coming up and people are going to want that "cute little puppy" for Christmas, lets list the major reasons that getting a puppy for Christmas is a bad idea!What do you all think?You guys are WONDERFUL!!! I love all of the great answers!!!! Keep it up! We may just educate people yet!

      What is the best reasons NOT to buy a puppy as a Christmas gift?

      What is the best reasons NOT to buy a puppy as a Christmas gift? General Dog Discussions
    • The craziness and hype of the Holidays is very overwhelming for a new puppy who is already going to be trying to adjust to a new environment, the last thing they need is added excitement. Much too stressful. I would never put a puppy through that.

    • Reputable breeders will not sell puppies for Christmas Gifts.. SO if you are able to get a puppy for a Christmas Gift for someone, you know you are not buying from a responsible breeder..

    • Look at the questions and answers here, it's obvious.Idiocy is rampant.Late Entry :Ok, seriously for the moment, Christmas is the busiest time of the year. First few days in the NEW home is crucial for the pup's well being. Even the most dog illiterate people should wait when everything calms down.Hope to get more thumbs down for this :)

    • because people dont look into what there getting most of the time, no research and they get the puppy on spur of the moment, usually from BYB or pet stores and give them to a kid expecting the kid to care for them which makes a porrly cared for porly trained and a new dog for a shelter.i tend not to do winter litters, because of this reason and because its just harder on the bitch and me....

    • It is the worst time of year to devote all the time and care a baby needs with all the uproar of the holidays and all the fuss will add to the stress a puppy is under going to a new home. Puppies need calm and routine, and will keep you up all night long at first. Puppies are not a gift that can be returned either.

    • A puppy should not be a surprise Christmas gift. Its important that the person who will be caring for the puppy wants that responsibility and is ready to commit to its care for its whole life. Also, Christmas tends to be a hectic time of the year. The puppy would come into the house when people are off from school and work, family is visiting, and all kinds of exciting things are going on, only to be confused when life goes back to its regular pace. If someone wants to give someone a puppy for Christmas, they should wrap up a can of puppy food and tell that person that they will get them a puppy of their choice.

    • Well since I run a animal shelter and I see this for what it really is. They are all soooooo darn cute as pups but then they grow up and more times than not they don't get them spayed or neutered so then the females get pregnant and guess what these great ppl do. They will bring the mom and her 12 pups back into the shelter. So it is NOT a good idea cuz your 10 yr. old wants a puppy, to rush out and get one. Please take your time and make sure that it is something you want for lets just say 10-20 yrs.

    • Christmas puppies tend to only be loved at Christmas and not their whole lives.You could get a breed that is not right for the receiver.You could get a dog with a personality that won't match. They could not be financially ready for a puppy.It could be an impulse decision to want a puppy at Christmas time. If a person really wants a puppy for Christmas then give them a gift card to www.petfinder.com

    • The first thought that came to my mind is "why would any responsible breeder even sell around Christmas time?" My instincts tell me that a responsible one wouldn't because of the obvious reason that the dog will probably be rejected by June (if not earlier.) Which leads me to the point that... if you do manage to get a puppy from a breeder around Christmas time, it's probably a BYB. This perpetuates the cycle, as a puppy from a BYB has such a great chance of having issues with temperament and health...therefore families who aren't prepared for the responsibility, will almost definitely hand the dog off to someone else.There's always the alternative of adopting a puppy or a dog from a shelter, but that still carries the intense risk that the dog will be forgotten about once the hype of the gift has worn off.

    • I feel that the person getting a puppy needs to do the picking. Main reason being that I think you bond with a pup right off. When I've went to look at pups or dogs it seems like you and the dog know it's a right fit. Not all people and pups fit.

    • It's a horrible time , they get the puppy an love it at first , then realize that they cant handle it , an it goes to a shelter to DIE. So many cute lil puppys DIE cause stupid people give them as gifts , an most of the time they are Unwanted.

    • Hectic time of year, really may not be wanted by the receiver,and we do not need any more unwanted pets in our shelters.It is best if you want to give a puppy to someone at Christmas time is to involve them and find out if they are ready for one, this is one gift that should be sprung upon someone.

    • Where to begin? Pets should NEVER be given as a "surprise" gift b/c they come with a huge amount of responsibility ... the person you're giving the dog to may be allergic to it ... the person may not REALLY want a dog! ... dogs are super-expensive so it's kind of like handing someone a cute furry bill .... i could go on and on.