How long does it take for new puppy to poop?

I just got a new Pomeranian Puppy last night about 13 or 14 hours ago and he has not pooped yet, however has has peed 3 times on his pee pad. He has also eaten and drank water.. but not pooped yet?He is 11 wks old.what the hell do u mean 6 months?

    How long does it take for new puppy to poop?

    I just got a new Pomeranian Puppy last night about 13 or 14 hours ago and he has not pooped yet, however has has peed 3 times on his pee pad. He has also eaten and drank water.. but not pooped yet?He is 11 wks old.what the hell do u mean 6 months?...
    General Dog Discussions : How long does it take for new puppy to poop?...

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    • How long does it take for new puppy to poop?

      How long does it take for new puppy to poop? General Dog Discussions
      I just got a new Pomeranian Puppy last night about 13 or 14 hours ago and he has not pooped yet, however has has peed 3 times on his pee pad. He has also eaten and drank water.. but not pooped yet?He is 11 wks old.what the hell do u mean 6 months?

      How long does it take for new puppy to poop?

      How long does it take for new puppy to poop? General Dog Discussions
    • ours sometimes will poop once twice maybe a day, while other times he wont poop at all that day, i found out that once they eat then sleep, when they wake up they seem to need to poophope it helped

    • After birth it takes roughly 4-5 weeks before a new puppy is making bowel movements on it's own. If your puppy is 11 weeks old I would keep a close eye on it because puppies especially that small of a breed have to go often at least 4 times a day.

    • Ok, don't use potty pads. Get up and take the puppy out every 45 minutes. You got a puppy, so you volunteered yourself for a ton of work. Use the potty pads only for when you are gone, and that's after the dog is potty trained. As for right now, google crate training.Take the puppy to a vet today. He may have something wrong. Puppies should be pooping about 20 minutes after they eat.

    • He is probably just nervous, maybe canstipated from the change... just keep taking him out to get into the routine...when he does go, you will be so proud! It's like a kid going in the pot for the first time!

    • You need to put him on his leash and just walk around with him and let him smell the outside scents. He needs to poop. Take him out every hour and give him lots of time. If it doesn't happen today you should take him to the vet tomorrow.(Puppies don't take a long time to digest their food and usually they will have a BM almost instantly)

    • my puppy, i would feed her then take her outside about 10-20 minutes later and get her to run around and she would always poop after a little run a roundi feed her twice a day and she pooped twicw a day

    • Give him a day to ajust to all the new stuff and praise him when he goes on the pee pads.. If no poop comes in 24 hours take him to a vet asap.. Whenin doubt call your vet and he should go see teh vet ASAP after you got him

    • Has he made attempts to poo but can't? If he's showing signs of straining I'd take him to the vet as he may have a blockage.If his activity level is normal, no discharge from eyes or nose, and is otherwise eating/drinking he may just have a slow digestive tract. There has been a change of surroundings. He may have gone somewhere and you just haven't found it yet, though I think you would have smelled it by now :-).If he's only been nibbling, which he may be since he's all excited about his new home, he's been too "busy" to take care of business. Just keep trying by taking him outside every few hours (or as you can). Don't act like you're going to play with him. Let him walk around in the grass, hopefully he'll pick up on another dogs scent and it will make him want to poop.If his behavior changes or he acts like he's straining, call the vet. If he hasn't produced something within the next 24 hours you may want to give the vet a call. They may give you advice on what you can give him in his food to move him along! If his diet was changed he may be a little constipated.

    • Okay here is your answer. You wanted a small pet, this is what you have to do to help him. No bull no crap.Take a moist cloth luke warm and wipe his ass softly, this is what the mother does with her tong. this is the only way to help him.Good luck with your little puppy and I hope he brings you lots of fun an joy in his life time.