My 5 month old puppy seems to be coughing and has not eaten today. Should I take him to the vet?

I just adopted him from a shelter and he seems really laid back but today has been lethargic and almost woozy. He seems to be choking a little bit and did vomit once and has not eaten at all for the 4 hours since.

    My 5 month old puppy seems to be coughing and has not eaten today. Should I take him to the vet?

    I just adopted him from a shelter and he seems really laid back but today has been lethargic and almost woozy. He seems to be choking a little bit and did vomit once and has not eaten at all for the 4 hours since....
    General Dog Discussions : My 5 month old puppy seems to be coughing and has not eaten today. Should I take him to the vet?...

    • My 5 month old puppy seems to be coughing and has not eaten today. Should I take him to the vet?

      My 5 month old puppy seems to be coughing and has not eaten today. Should I take him to the vet? General Dog Discussions
      I just adopted him from a shelter and he seems really laid back but today has been lethargic and almost woozy. He seems to be choking a little bit and did vomit once and has not eaten at all for the 4 hours since.

      My 5 month old puppy seems to be coughing and has not eaten today. Should I take him to the vet?

      My 5 month old puppy seems to be coughing and has not eaten today. Should I take him to the vet? General Dog Discussions
    • Absolutely take him to the vet. The shelter can be a breeding ground for viruses and infections. The sooner you get him to the vet, the quicker he will get better and it will be cheaper in the long run. The longer you wait, the higher the chances of more treatment being needed, which will be more expensive.

    • Vet time! Those are all classic signs of something being wrong with your puppy. Does his stomach feel tight? Puppies can be prone to bloat, which is a very serious problem if not handled quickly. Better safe than sorry, and good luck!