How to keep my puppy from getting car sick?

He is about 17 weeks old and any car trip over 5 minutes and he ends up puking in my car...and let me tell's not pretty. Any ideas?

    How to keep my puppy from getting car sick?

    He is about 17 weeks old and any car trip over 5 minutes and he ends up puking in my car...and let me tell's not pretty. Any ideas?...
    General Dog Discussions : How to keep my puppy from getting car sick?...

    • How to keep my puppy from getting car sick?

      How to keep my puppy from getting car sick? General Dog Discussions
      He is about 17 weeks old and any car trip over 5 minutes and he ends up puking in my car...and let me tell's not pretty. Any ideas?

      How to keep my puppy from getting car sick?

      How to keep my puppy from getting car sick? General Dog Discussions
    • There are several things you can try. First of all, he probably shouldn't have anything to eat before getting in the car. The motions of the car can make the food upset his tummy. Also, if he looks out one of the side windows, everything is going by so fast, it could make him dizzy. You can also try starting out in small increments. If he does well with 5 minutes, up it another 5 minutes and see how he does, and gradually work up to where he is used to riding. You may also consider talking to your vet if nothing seems to work. Good Luck!

    • My Jack Russel does the same thing. My vet suggested giving him half of a benedryl before taking him on a ride. it calms him down and keeps him from puking all of my truck. Also, some vet's sell a travel aid for pets that you can give an hour before you take your pet for a ride. I definitely agree with MIssy M. Taking your pet for shorter rides and gradually lengthening them with help your pet get used to riding.