7 week old puppy not going to the bathroom?

I just got a pit bull puppy and it's his first night but he hasnt gone to the bathroom in over 10 hrs. I've taken him out 4 times and sat with him, but nothing. What do I do?

    7 week old puppy not going to the bathroom?

    I just got a pit bull puppy and it's his first night but he hasnt gone to the bathroom in over 10 hrs. I've taken him out 4 times and sat with him, but nothing. What do I do?...
    General Dog Discussions : 7 week old puppy not going to the bathroom?...

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    • 7 week old puppy not going to the bathroom?

      7 week old puppy not going to the bathroom? General Dog Discussions
      I just got a pit bull puppy and it's his first night but he hasnt gone to the bathroom in over 10 hrs. I've taken him out 4 times and sat with him, but nothing. What do I do?

      7 week old puppy not going to the bathroom?

      7 week old puppy not going to the bathroom? General Dog Discussions
    • He's a bit young to have left his mother an litter mates. Is he eating and drinking? If so he will eliminate, he is just afraid and doesn't know what's happening to him.. He's in a strange place with people he doesn't know. He'll be ok, just give him another few hours and he'll eliminate.

    • Puppies seem to have amazingly massive size bladders and bowels when they want to. Just sit and wait, something will come within the day. If nothing in 24hrs call the vet

    • Although his is a little old, his mother may have still stimulated pottying for him. That usually ends after 4 weeks but if he doesnt go potty after about 14 hours, put on a glove and wet the fingers and try rubbing him. Ya, it's gross but I've had to do it to kittens over 4 weeks that lost their mother so I would assume it could happen to puppies too. If that doesnt work, I would suggest calling a vet.

    • He maybe nervous, if he doesn't go within 24 hours then seek a vet.I am sure he will let it all go when he is relaxed, more than likely where you would prefer him not to go.

    • why did u buy off a backyard breeder? okay so.. if he is on dry food mix some luke-warm (not boiling) water in to it , leave for 5 Min's this act's like a gravy!. secondly , u really need to make sure he is drinking (& loads)try this for 1 day.. if not work take to vet!! -(bowls could be blocked)