How to get puppy to eat heartworm medicine?

We have 2 puppies. One ate up the heartworm med, and the other one won't touch it! We tried to hide it in some other food and she still won't touch it!Any suggestions? Also, is there an alternative to this method?(shot?) Vet is closed and can't call and…

    How to get puppy to eat heartworm medicine?

    We have 2 puppies. One ate up the heartworm med, and the other one won't touch it! We tried to hide it in some other food and she still won't touch it!Any suggestions? Also, is there an alternative to this method?(shot?) Vet is closed and can't call and…...
    General Dog Discussions : How to get puppy to eat heartworm medicine?...

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    • How to get puppy to eat heartworm medicine?

      How to get puppy to eat heartworm medicine? General Dog Discussions
      We have 2 puppies. One ate up the heartworm med, and the other one won't touch it! We tried to hide it in some other food and she still won't touch it!Any suggestions? Also, is there an alternative to this method?(shot?) Vet is closed and can't call and ask tonight. Will call on Monday. Thanks for your help!It's not a pill, it's a beefy looking treat and we tried to hide it in sausage, she won't touch it!! I will try the cheese and peanut butter, thank you!!!

      How to get puppy to eat heartworm medicine?

      How to get puppy to eat heartworm medicine? General Dog Discussions
    • hide it in a piece of cheese. o cook a little hamburger and put it in there and let him eat that. if it is a pill, put it in the back of his throat and rub his throat till he swallows it. liquid, make some gravy and mix it in put it over his dog food.

    • Try putting peanut butter on it. Or something that's really hard for the puppy to get it out of. My dog is really smart so she got it out of the peanut butter, so we had to stuff it down her throat with our hands. The vet said that that should be a last resort because it might be bad for the dog.

    • I always wrap the pill in cheese. Most of the time, the dog wont find it. My dad used this strange method of putting the pill in the dogs mouth, really far back and before she could spit it out, he would blow in her mouth really hard. She would gasp and swallow. Worked for him, I never tried it.

    • Cut it in smaller pieces and hide it in peanut butter, chez whiz, really surprised he won't eat it! You can cut it in smalll pieces and stick it to the back of her throat with you finger. then give her water

    • What kind of heartworm medication do you have? If your puppy won't eat a tablet (like Sentinel), you could ask your veterinarian about the Heartgard beef treat. Or you could also ask your veterinarian about a topical product like Revolution. Just tell your vet he won't eat it, and I'm sure they will give you another option that is easier on both of you.

    • When i give my dogs pills, i use pill pockets. Its a kind of treat that you put the pill in and then close it up and feed it to your dog. It works everytime for my dogs.

    • Save it for the one who will eat it & get the liquid Advantage in the tube, for the other one, that goes on the skin, between the shoulder blades; my little guy can't be fooled on the chew-kind, either.

    • having owned a variety of types of dogs for most of my life, getting meds down them can be fun. You can coat the pill in butter, shove way down in his throat, hold the mouth shut, and rub his throat until he swallows. You can hide the pill in a soft cheese, bread, or peanut butter, OR you can crush it up and mix it with like mashed vienna sausages or canned dog food. Best of luck to ya!