Is it bad to pull a tick off of a dog?

I found a tick on my dog's forehead this morning and pulled it off. I think the fangs or whatever they are called stayed in my dog b/c I didn't see them on the tick. My dog is still a puppy, (chihuahua) is there anything I should do at this point? I'm…

    Is it bad to pull a tick off of a dog?

    I found a tick on my dog's forehead this morning and pulled it off. I think the fangs or whatever they are called stayed in my dog b/c I didn't see them on the tick. My dog is still a puppy, (chihuahua) is there anything I should do at this point? I'm…...
    General Dog Discussions : Is it bad to pull a tick off of a dog?...

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    • I don't think it is bad to pull the tick off your dog, but just do it carefully, scratch it off using your nail usually will not hurt the dog at the least. Just throw the pulled ticks in the kerosene to kill them, don't crush, you won't see if they have eggs that might spread all over your dog's body. Pull ticks each time you find them. They are sucking your dog's blood and reproducing very quickly.PS. Frontline spray and spot-on will help you for curative and preventive action against flea and ticks. I use it to my dog every two months.

    • You have to put oil or butter or something on it and twist it out. don't pull it out! The head may still be in ant infect your dog! Twirl it out, and wait a week or to. If your dog is infected, the place the tick were will be red or sore. Check with the veterinarian if you're insecure!

    • Fleas/Ticks are a major pest. There are various species of fleas - cat fleas, dog fleas, rat fleas and rabbit fleas.You can get rid of them by the safest and cheapest methods like boric acid.

    • Yes they can cause an infection, the tick should be killed by burning it or pricking the blood sack, so that it dies and will drop off. I should go to the vets to check it. I have removed several from my dog successfully, but they must be killed first.

    • Yes it could be. It would be best to take your dog to the vet to verify that the entire tick was removed. It can cause problems if it was not. In the future us vasoline. Use a glob to cover the tick then wait a few minutes. The tick will back out on it's own then you can get it off without having to worry if you got it all or not.

    • I was always told to "unscrew them" in a counter clockwise direction. When I first moved here my dog was always full of ticks and this worked fine. The tick burrows in in a clockwise direction so in effect you are literally "unscrewing" it. They do not have fangs. And I doubt you have anything to worry about. Watch your dog and yourself in the future for ticks.

    • Since your dog is a youngster, you should treat the area where you pulled the tick off, DO NOT however try to pull the ticks "fangs" off, if they are close to the inner skeptical skin layer, then you need to have your puppy to be looked at a professional veterinarian. If redness or bruising occurs keep treating your puppy with an antibiotic that is safe to use on your puppy. The puppy might get sick and vomit for a few hours or so if he/she is infected....ticks do carry Lyme disease and other harmful parasites in the environment. Go get you puppy checked up as soon as possible.

    • Well maybe you should take your dog to the vet but only if you didn't already try to pull out the fangs. My dog also had a tick on her forehead and she was a puppy too. But we were able to get it off her. If the fangs are not infected, I would still go to the vet to have them pulled out.

    • Well what you can do is get a special type of stuff to put on your dog from your vet probably. But in the meantime just use tweezers to pull them off. It will make the dog make a whine noise but wont really hurt it.

    • yes it is easy just put a glove in your hands and search for the tick and pull it off form the dog and then kill it.Find all of them till the dog doesn't have any of them.It is so easy to do that.

    • You have to soak the tick's body with alcohol for about three or four minutes before you remove the tick, or you will leave the tick's head under your dog's skin. The area will become infected if you fail to remove the tick's head, and it will take months for the area to heal. You have to pull at the tick's body very slowly after it has been soaked with alcohol to make sure the tick's head has been removed. You should keep an eye on the area where you removed the tick from. Take your puppy to the vet if puss starts to come from that area.

    • You shouldn't pull ticks off of anything. If you see any redness or swelling on your dog, take him to the vet. He could be getting an infection if the head was left in. Just keep watching to make sure it doesn't look infected. If it starts looking infected, take your dog to the vet. But next time, don't pull it off.

    • I've had a tick on my skin before and once on my dog, but it's more just gross than anything. With alcohol and tweezers, you can gently pull the tick out. Even if the fangs do get stuck inside the skin a bit, they are not poisonous or very deep. I would just rub a little of the rubbing alcohol at the bite location and the body will heal itself.

    • yes and no they usual fall off when its full of blood , but if you just pull it off the head stays in the dog person and so on, you must make sure you get the head out then clean the wound and take to a vet Dr, cause some tick carry lime disease rocky mountain spotted fever ticks and so serious tick bits so it always best to see the Dr for infection it Will or can kill the dog from infection if left UN treated, this goes for humans as well, and wash your hands after handling it these things are very infectious, take care , good question

    • It should be okay, but it is better if you get some type of alcohol in a bowl and a cotton bud, then use the cotton bud to slowly wipe the tick, the tick will slowly come off. then using a paper towel you can pull it off.

    • Yes it is bad to pull ticks out, Don't do it. The head of a tick will break off and will stay inside of your pet. There is a Tick and flea liquid{small tube), called "Frontline". It starts to work within a day. You can get it at a pet store or the vet. Either place will have it. It is a once a month dose and comes in a box with 3 tubes: 3 months worth. It cost around $ 40.00 a box. It sounds like alot , but it is well worth it. One of my dogs had a bunch get on him and I put Frontline on him, and within a day they all started dying. Try it, you will be amazed and happy, and so will your dog! Good luck to both of you.