why does my 2 week old puppy moans and cries for no reason?

my puppy would be sleeping next to me sometimes, but he moans and groans and cries. his my first puppy so, I'm not quite sure exactly what to do. Then i would take him outside because he might want to pee or poop but he doesn't. and just keeps crying.…

    why does my 2 week old puppy moans and cries for no reason?

    my puppy would be sleeping next to me sometimes, but he moans and groans and cries. his my first puppy so, I'm not quite sure exactly what to do. Then i would take him outside because he might want to pee or poop but he doesn't. and just keeps crying.…...
    General Dog Discussions : why does my 2 week old puppy moans and cries for no reason?...

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    • why does my 2 week old puppy moans and cries for no reason?

      why does my 2 week old puppy moans and cries for no reason? General Dog Discussions
      my puppy would be sleeping next to me sometimes, but he moans and groans and cries. his my first puppy so, I'm not quite sure exactly what to do. Then i would take him outside because he might want to pee or poop but he doesn't. and just keeps crying. and... how can i train my puppy to sleep in his own bed, pee or poop outside?OK everyone!! your blaming me for having a two week old puppy? first of all, the puppys mother passed away before i got his pup. the owner was giving it away cuz the mother had 12 puppies so, my bf sister gave it to us.

      why does my 2 week old puppy moans and cries for no reason?

      why does my 2 week old puppy moans and cries for no reason? General Dog Discussions
    • if your puppy is only 2 weeks old he's way too young to be away from his mom. I'm hoping you mean you had him for two weeks, thisi s all new to him so he needs time to adjust to his new life. in his sleep he could be moaning and crying because he's dreaming or because he's missing his old home and family.

    • good gosh I hope that's a typo!!!You cannot teach that young a puppy much of anything other than "find food""find warmth""now its pee/poo time when your underside is rubbed".Edit: It should still be with it's littermates and a mother substitute... until it is 8 weeks old. Period. No excuses.

    • Try wrapping a small ticking clock in a soft cloth or small blanket, and keep the dog bed (preferably one of those kennels you carry) warm.A two week old pup should still be with its mom until 12 weeks old, and should be drinking mom's milk.If you can't put it back with it's mom for a while, find another nursing mom dog to put it with for a while. Good luck.

    • Taking the baby pup away from its mother at age 2 weeks is really bad. They still need to learn the basic's from their mom. If you take it away that young its gonna turn into a bad mannered wild dog. What other reason do you think it crys for?? Please, you should of done research before you got this dog..

    • Take the pup back to the breeder!!! It needs its mother for another month at least!!!If you can't do that, get a hot water bottle and wrap it in a towel for your pup to lay on. Put a ticking clock under the water bottle, it will seem like his mother's heartbeat. Please take it back to the breeder!!! No responsible person would give up a pup at 2 weeks of age!!!

    • Where is his mother??? Do you even need to ask this question?? Dogs aren't ready to leave their mother until at least 8 weeks, preferably 9 weeks - that's 6-7 weeks from now! You may not have had any control over keeping him with his mother, but it should be obvious why he is crying.And he is WAY too young to be going outside. He probably hasn't had his first round of shots yet, and he will need 3-4, depending on what your vet uses. Keep him in a padded box with a hot water bottle. Pups will cry when they sleep alone for a long time. Better that you keep the box in your bedroom so he can smell you.

    • Your puppy moans and cries for no reason because of 2 reasons: 1 - he misses his mommy2 - he's 2 weeks oldHe's still completely new to the world. Puppies make a lot of noise when they're that little. Sometimes I wonder if it's secret code to the mother that they need something. If he was in a big litter, try surrounding him with stuffed animals and put a heating pad under a towel or blanket for him. This simulates the warmth of the mother's body. You can also try a ticking alarm clock (don't set the alarm) The ticking simulates the mother's heartbeat. For potty training him outside, here's a tip we used: when you see him squat (even it he isn't actually going to the bathroom) pick him up and put him down outside. They usually stop going once their feet leave the ground. That's how we potty trained our 5 week old puppy when we brought her home.

    • He needs his mother if you can get something with her sent, a blanket or something and give it to him if not then give him something with your scent and look after him you shouldnt have him away from his mother at so young

    • Did you mean to put 2 weeks or did you mean 2 months? At 2 weeks he needs his mother and his litter mates. It is normal behavior for him to moan and cry.After you additional details...the person should have kept all the pups together until they got older, I know it's not your fault but you have a BIG job on your hands. I suggest you get that pup to a vet ASAP and get their recommendations.

    • please tell me you meant 2 months NOT weeks!!!!! unless the pup was orphaned it is a crime to take a pup that young away from its mother. how long have you had this dog?ok here is a link on how to care for orphaned puppies. the puppy will not go to the bathroom outside on its own because it doesnt know how. with a pup this young the mom would still be licking its rear end to help it "go". take a warm damp cloth and wipe the pups butt to help it use the bathroom. i hope you are using a milk supplement and bottle feeding this pup too. if not go to a pet store or grocery store that sells pets supplies and buy the puppy milk supplement and pet nursing bottles. take care not to make the hole in the nipple too big or it will give too much milk and it could end up in the pups lungs. http://www.peteducation.com/article.cfm?cls=2&cat=1651&articleid=863

    • awe the baby needs his mommy!!give him hot water bottle and ticking clock to simulate mommy old blanket that smells like u and he also might have fleas or tummy ache.poor baby is way to young to be away from mom!to late now but i would take to vet he to young for alot of meds yet!!but they might have some helpful suggestions as well!!

    • He probably cries because he wants attention, hungry, or needs to go out. And to get him to sleep on his bed you should sleep with it or put your clothes on it so it has your scent on it. and house training... long process. When they go outside they have thir mind on exploring, you need to let it and when she really has to go it will find a spot. You are better off getting a chain and leaving her outide for a little while. If you have a fenced in yard let her stay out there and have fun and let her take her time. It takes a while to train a puppy you should also crate train her.Also, 10-15 min after she drinks and eats she will have to go. She needs to be put on a schedual for eating. Don't let her drink after 7. I feed mine at 5am, 12pm, and 5pm. And as soon has she wakes up... TAKE HER OUT~!I use the puppy pads for inside the house. My puppy uses them about 95% of the time. She is only 2 months old so she is still learning. When she goes on the floor say in a frim voice "no" don't use the words "bad *your pups name*" together. Then show her the pad and/or take her outside. When she uses the pad and goes outside praise her in a high pitch happy voice. Then give her a treat when she goes inside. It could take almost a year to 100% potty train your pup. Good Luck~! I feel your Pain ^^

    • 2 weeks old?? he needs his mom dog!! he should still be nursing and as for going potty- the mom dog (as most animals) usually licks the baby animal's genitals to stimulate them to defecate as their bodies and nervous systems are not yet developed enough for them to defecate on their own. Return that pup to its mother until it is at least 6 weeks old- 8-12 would be better. If you can't do that then call a vet and explain to them that you have such a young pup and have them show you how to care for it...ie.. bottle feeding..wiping its genitals with a warm damp cotton ball to stimulate it to potty..keeping it warm..there is a lot of work involved and if you do not take care of such a young pup correctly then it will likely die.