why does my 2 week old puppy moans and cries for no reason?

my puppy would be sleeping next to me sometimes, but he moans and groans and cries. his my first puppy so, I'm not quite sure exactly what to do. Then i would take him outside because he might want to pee or poop but he doesn't. and just keeps crying.…

    why does my 2 week old puppy moans and cries for no reason?

    my puppy would be sleeping next to me sometimes, but he moans and groans and cries. his my first puppy so, I'm not quite sure exactly what to do. Then i would take him outside because he might want to pee or poop but he doesn't. and just keeps crying.…...
    General Dog Discussions : why does my 2 week old puppy moans and cries for no reason?...

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    • at 2 weeks he needs his mom that means the dog who gave birth to him he should be with her til he is at least 6 to 8 weeks old as she will teach him lots of things you can not now put him back with mommy NOW

    • A two week old puppy should be with its mother. It needs to learn how to be a puppy. They cry, moan, etc just like a two week old baby does. Its not for no reason. Make sure its getting enough to drink, eat, etc. Most puppies should not be taken away from their mothers until they are atleast 6 weeks old.

    • Okay two weeks is very young but i understand your reason, what you need to do is get a little kinda of ear dropper to put ear drops in or something, but some baby formula in and feed that to your puppy..or you could put luke warm formula in a zip lock bag poke a hole and let your puppy suck on that..i know this because we once picked up a little kitten on the side of a highway, he was looking down on his mother that got ran over.. the kitten was just tiny and very hungry so we took him home and that what we did.. he grew up fine lived to be 14 years old!! very healthy cati wish you and your puppy the best of luckbye

    • A pup at this age needs to be kept warm and clean. Probably no teeth at all. Are you bottle feeding this pup or tube feeding it? A pup at this age most of the time still needs to be stimulated to eliminate (pee or poop). I seriously doubt that you have a 2 week old pup and that you are taking it outside to eliminate. Get real!!!!!!!!!

    • Have you even bothered taking this dog to the vet? The breeder doesn't sound very responsible, and if you don't mind me saying so, neither do you if you think you can get a two week old puppy outside for a walk. He's not going to sleep on his own either ... his instinct is telling him he should be next to his mother and brothers and sisters. Try getting him next to a hot water bottle, along with feeding him from an eye dropper.But please get this pup to a vet. They'll be able to tell you so much more, and perhaps even help relieve you of this responsibility that you seem to have no clue how to handle.

    • Because your puppy is only 2 weeks old it has every reason to cry! It is just getting usto this world ,maybe its cold or hungry? Where is its mother? A puppy that young needs its mother, It may just need you to hold and comfort it .

    • I too have a 2 WEEK old puppy his mother would not feed him, and would carry him away from the litter. He is the runt. I was told that some momma dogs do that in order to have enough to feed the strong ones. My pup weighs 4 oz and is doing pretty good. When I got him he was so weak now he is doing his version of walking around. I am excited for his eyes to open. You have to keep a new puppy very warm!!! and make sure eats every 2-4 hours warm your formula and dont handle him alot. I put mine in a doggy crate with a soft stuffed animal and towels and a blanket for him. good luck

    • first of all the puppy moans and groans cause it does not have the comfort still that the mother gave to him , when i first got my pup i had to put a bath rope in his bed and he would cuddle up with it and it made him feel comfort still and the pee and poop i use to stick his nose in it and smack his butt not hard but enough for him to know not to go in the house anymore

    • I would like to commend you for taking on the very difficult task of raising a motherless puppy on your own. This is a very difficult thing to do, even when one has a lot of experience with puppies, and the outcome is never a sure thing. Baby puppies who do not have a momma can get very sick very fast because they are not getting the momma's milk which contains essiential nutrients and antibodies to all sorts of puppy ailments.I would first suggest you take him or her to a vet for a very thorough check up. The crying all the time may indicate that something is wrong internally. the vet will also be able to assist you in getting the proper replacement nutrients for the puppy so that as he/she matures, she/he stays healthy.Another thought about the pooping and peeing is that the puppy is born without strong muscles that will allow him to poop and pee on his own. The momma dog licks his little butt to stimulate his bowel and bladder muscles and to teach him how to do this on his own. At two weeks old, these muscles are still not strong enough and you are going to have to help him do this. Take a warm and damp washcloth and (very gently) repeatedly wash his little butt until he starts to poop and pee. It will be like a little fire hose once he starts peeing, and the poop will kind of ooze out too. You will have to do this all the time for probably another week or two until you notice he starts doing this on his own. I know it's gross, but if you don't help him with this, he WILL die.Your little puppy is far too young to even consider potty training. He first has to develop the muscles that allow him to potty on his own and then he needs to learn to control those muscles. He is probably about 2 months away from learning to control his pottying, and trying to train him before that just isn't possible.As for sleeping in his own box, you can take a hot water bottle full of hot water (ask your mom or grandma what this is) and cover it with a towel. Then get an old wind-up alarm clock that ticks loudly and wrap it up too in a towel. You can lay the puppy on the hot water bottle and next to the clock, and he will think it is his momma, and sleep somewhat more quietly.Please remember that puppies of this age require constant attention and support. They should be fed a little bit every half hour to hour, and will need to be stimulated to poop and pee after every meal and every nap, so for the first week or so, you will not be getting much sleep yourself. When I had kittens who were abandoned by their momma nearly 10 years ago, I fashioned a little sack type pouch for the kittens and pinned it to the front of my shirt. That way, they got my warmth and heard my heartbeat, just like they would their momma, if she had been around. They were always close at hand and I could deal with their needs when they needed me to without having to constantly get up and go check on them. One puppy will be a lot less work and worry than 5 kittens, but it's still a big task, and an important one.The one benefit of helping a puppy at such a young age is that you truely develop a close bond. The puppy will begin to think of you as it's mommy, and he/she will always love you very much. It's a real joy to help a young animal develop it's own personality and to watch it grow like this. Again, I think you should be commended for taking on this challenge, even if you are not quite as prepared as you should be. This is a big responsibility and I know you care enough to not let the puppy down - you are, after all , smart enough to ask for advice!

    • I have also had pets (twice) that couldn't be with their mother for various reasons. Here are a couple of things that may help: In a very small pet carrier, put in some towels that you have warmed in the dryer. You can also wrap an old style alarm clock (that ticks) in the towels. Put the puppy in there when he is not eating. I'm assuming that you are bottle or syringe feeding with formula from a vet. If not, start immediately. Newborn puppies eat frequently. Also, you will need to do the mother dog things to nurture and care for this puppy. Take a wash cloth and get it wet with very warm (not hot) water and wring out the excess water. Then you will need to wipe (rub gently) the puppy's anus in order to stimulate him/her so that she will use the bathroom. You will need to do this several times a day. He is too young to house train so you will just have to wait a while. Using a clean damp (warm) wash cloth wash your puppies face frequently also, including his nose, eyes and ears. Do not let him be handled a lot by other people and continue to keep him warm and in a closed space. He will feel much more comfortable and secure. Then - SEE YOUR VET!

    • TWO WEEKS ???? as in you've had him two weeks ? This pup can't possibly only be two weeks old. No way should this pub have been taken away from it's mother and rest of the litter that's absurd, no wonder it's crying. That's irresponsible. There are no words

    • I hope you're bottle feeding him- puppies nurse for up-to 8 weeks. They take small amounts every couple of hours or so to keep full tummies. Check with a vet for exact amounts and frequency. If he's not urinating little bits often I would think he isn't getting enough milk. Could be that he is hungry.....At 2 weeks he would normally sleep most of the time (18-20 hours a day) and usually with Mom or the litter mates. Could be he's scared and tired....As far as house breaking goes, at 4 weeks old he can hold his urine for 1 hour max. For every month old add 1 hour, so your pup will be able to hold it for 6 hours at 6 months old. In the meantime, get some puppy pads, put them in front of the door you expect your puppy to use. It is a bit early to expect any results because you have an infant not just a pup.If you have the time and means this little guy needs you to step in for Mom. I have had a few bottle babies, it takes great patience and care to raise a pup from this stage. The upside is you will always be leader of your pack to him.I hope your puppy and you live long and happy lives.