Training my Lhasa, how to house train her?

I have just took in a 3 year old fully house trained Lhasa.However she is using the house as a toilet. Having never owned a dog can anyone advise me on what to do, i let her out every half an hour and she has 2 walks a day however i have only had her 2…

    Training my Lhasa, how to house train her?

    I have just took in a 3 year old fully house trained Lhasa.However she is using the house as a toilet. Having never owned a dog can anyone advise me on what to do, i let her out every half an hour and she has 2 walks a day however i have only had her 2…...
    General Dog Discussions : Training my Lhasa, how to house train her?...

    • Training my Lhasa, how to house train her?

      Training my Lhasa, how to house train her? General Dog Discussions
      I have just took in a 3 year old fully house trained Lhasa.However she is using the house as a toilet. Having never owned a dog can anyone advise me on what to do, i let her out every half an hour and she has 2 walks a day however i have only had her 2 days and i know she will be nervous. But how do i correct her when she does poo/wee inside?

      Training my Lhasa, how to house train her?

      Training my Lhasa, how to house train her? General Dog Discussions
    • Unless you catch her in the act you can't correct her. Rubbing her nose in it only will make her hide it the next time. If you catch her in the process of eliminating, you can say "no", pick her up, hopefully before she is done, and carry her outside. Consider her a puppy and simply housebreak her. Just because she is an adult doesn't mean she has any understanding of house manners, so you need to start at square one. The advantage is she will probably train quicker than a puppy would;

    • For one thing, don't allow her to have access to the rest of the house. Keep her in the kitchen.Keep taking her out into the garden and give lots of praise when she 'go's'. You must go with her. Don't just let her out on her own.Don't scold her for accidents.Make sure you are cleaning up really well. Or the scent will still be there. Biological soap powder is best.Make sure when you go for walks, if she 'go's', then again, lots of praise. You can give a little treat if you want too.It may be, she just has to get used to her new home and learn 'your rules'.You have to be 'the boss'. Pack leader.Another option is to use a crate.

    • The problem with some people who are looking to dump their unwanted adult dogs, is that they lie. She MAY have been housetrained, but my guess is not. It's pointless to correct the behaviour, as usually by the time you discover it, she will have all but forgotten doing it, and will not understand what she is being corrected for. There is also the possibility that - even if you do catch her in the act and correct immediately - she will only learn not to urinate in front of you if you scare her in your attempt at correction. If you catch her in the act, distract her enough to stop her, then pick her up and carry her outside. I suggest beginning housetraining from scratch, as if she were a new puppy. This is the method I always suggest but there are others too... you need to find one which works for you - Assuming that there is no medical cause for this (have it ruled out by your vet), then you need to start at the beginning with house training. This is my preferred method - The first thing you need to do is remove any urine odour from your carpet using a specialist enzyme cleaner designed for this purpose (just because you can't smell it doesn't mean she can't). You can buy the cleaner in most pet shops. Then you need to start from the beginning in terms of house training. Take her outside every hour, after every feed or play period, and when you spot signs that she has the urge (eg sniffing or turning in circles), wait for her to pee and then praise them for it. If she hasn't peed after 15 minutes or so, come back in the house and try again after 15 minutes. If she does have an accident indoors, you need to clean it up immediately and remove the scent. But don't shout at or otherwise scare her, as this may teach her that it is not ok to pee in front of you.Keep her confined - don't give her the run of the house - when you can't be around to supervise.If she is to be crated, be sure that the crate is big enough for her to comfortably lay down, stand up, and turn around. But you need to be sure that it is not so big that she will happily urinate in it. There are other methods, too, but ALL need dedication, commitment, and consistency. It's not a part-time job. Good luck.