can i put a rubberband on my puppy he is 2 month old rottweiler puppy?

do you know where it is cheap to get my puppies to get their tail bobbed?where is the closest location to me houston?are there any other ways to bob the tail.

    can i put a rubberband on my puppy he is 2 month old rottweiler puppy?

    do you know where it is cheap to get my puppies to get their tail bobbed?where is the closest location to me houston?are there any other ways to bob the tail....
    General Dog Discussions : can i put a rubberband on my puppy he is 2 month old rottweiler puppy?...

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    • can i put a rubberband on my puppy he is 2 month old rottweiler puppy?

      can i put a rubberband on my puppy he is 2 month old rottweiler puppy? General Dog Discussions
      do you know where it is cheap to get my puppies to get their tail bobbed?where is the closest location to me houston?are there any other ways to bob the tail.

      can i put a rubberband on my puppy he is 2 month old rottweiler puppy?

      can i put a rubberband on my puppy he is 2 month old rottweiler puppy? General Dog Discussions
    • call your local petsmart store ask for the vet and ask them. they're usually not expensive.i was thinking of doing that to my cocker spaniel but i mean that's they're way of expressing themselves

    • Its very painful for the puppy if they do it when they are alittle older. You should have had it done when he was a small puppy. I think they should grow natural too.

    • That is mean and cruel! That would cause so much pain! If you cant afford to have the tail bobbed then leave it long. There will be many, many Vet. bill over the years. If you can't afford them you can't afford the puppy.

    • I wouldn't risk it. I am no dog breeder but to me this would be too dangerous. The risk of infection and I have known people who tried to dock their own puppies tails that caused them to bleed to death.So I would call the nearest animal society and ask for a good inexpensive vet.

    • Docking tails is anywhere from $15 - $30 and that usually comes with the dew claws. This is usually done within the first week though. Just call around to the vets in the area and see if they will do it and ask how much.

    • Ok i don`t even kno where to begin! why would you but a rubberband on your puppy?! thats cruel and why on earth would you want to bob tail your LITTLE puppy LITTLE!dude ever consider taking your puppy to an adoption store and getting a dog with a bobed tail already? don`t get your doggys tail wacked off please!

    • Home docking is ILLEGAL! You can go to jail for that! Tails are supposed to be done when they are no older than 3 days old!I imagine there is a vet in your area that might consider doing it. Open the phone book to Veterinarians and start calling.

    • i hope someone turns you in for animal cruelty. you can pay a hefty fine and hopefully do some jail time. first if you want to use a rubberband put it on your finger tight for a day or two and see how it feels. leave the tail alone. your pup is too old to have it removed without complilcations, and i'm sure you're not wanting to show your dog because if you were the dog would have already had it's tail docked. shame on you.

    • Not NO, but heck NO to the rubberband idea! And "cheap" could result in infection and serious problems from a botched tail docking. Have you called your vet to check on how much? Or am I sensing that he has not seen a vet yet. 8 weeks old should have been vetted, dewormed and first shots. If you have then excuse me. And work out payments with his vet to do the docking.If I am correct then having his tail docked is not the priority at this stage. You need to insure his health by doing the basic vital vetting. And you trying to do this yourself could end up with a situation so serious that you will be spending a small fortune to save his life.

    • ...As you can see, we think rubber banding a puppy tail iscruel and really not the way it should be done. I've seentoo many dogs done this way and many times you cansee the bare skin at the end of the tail, instead of hair.Check with a vet....

    • must be really really ghetto...first of all...the puppy is a bit old now for having his tail bobbed(this is usually done when the pup is newborn)...second of all, YOU ARE NOT A VETERINARIAN, and should NOT BE PERFORMING a tail bob in your home with a rubber band...this is both cruel and would you like if someone put a rubber band on one of YOUR body parts so they could get rid of it? IF the tail is affecting the pups health in any way, which i am guessing it is not, then you should consult a VET...otherwise, leave the poor animal alone and learn to not be so ghetto

    • if you wanted it done u should hav got it done wen it was much younger but just let it grow prob the vet wont do it unless its a hunter and even then they dont like to do it PLEASE dont put a rubber band on its tail it might get all infected and def inbeddid Please dont it hurts them so much please :(

    • No you can not! Good way to get big problems. Raised 43 litters of pups over 24 years that needed tails docked. It should be done before 4 days old. At your dogs age it will be a surgical procedure costing much more money. I had one I bought redocked once and it wasn't worth it. It most definetely caused the dog a lot more pain than at birth. Our vet taught me to properly dock my own 25 years ago and when I bring them in the vet always looks and says " Couldn't have done any better." Also raised lambs and we did band them at birth but a lambs tail is much different as they don't have bone down the tail very far. It falls off right away. Not good to do with pups.Please don't try it!