can i put a rubberband on my puppy he is 2 month old rottweiler puppy?

do you know where it is cheap to get my puppies to get their tail bobbed?where is the closest location to me houston?are there any other ways to bob the tail.

    can i put a rubberband on my puppy he is 2 month old rottweiler puppy?

    do you know where it is cheap to get my puppies to get their tail bobbed?where is the closest location to me houston?are there any other ways to bob the tail....
    General Dog Discussions : can i put a rubberband on my puppy he is 2 month old rottweiler puppy?...

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    • Uh HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOO, that will get your puppy taken away from you and you arrested for abuse!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then again it sounds like you DO NOT deserve to have a pet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you want to get his tail bobbed there is this person that knows all about pet anatomy, HE IS CALL A VET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TRY PICKING UP THE PHONE AND CALLING HIM!!!!!!!!!Geeze!

    • No don't do it! Tail docking occurs at around 3 days of age along with dew claw! It is animal cruelty if you put a rubberband around it. The dogs tail will keep on growing into the rubberband! Very painfull.

    • Glad you have not bobbed his tail yet. It is fast becoming a thing of the past. It is a matter of a small amount of time and dogs with bobbed tails or cropped ears will not be allowed in any type of competitions as they do not represent the breed standards. Everything is going back to the natural.. Europe already has this into play and the USA is soon to follow.If you have a rottweiler and he is pure bred have you considered joining a club so you can enhance his bloodlines? Contact the American Working Dog Federation at: to find out who is in charge of the Rottweiler clubs and one close to youGOOD LUCK WITH YOUR PUPPY

    • He is to old. Docking tails is done around day 4 after birth. You would need major surgery to have it done now.They have gorgeous tails, just leave it be!

    • Okay I know you dont want to spend money on your dog getting his tail docked. So you want to do it yourself. But, if you dont know how to do it properly it could lead to an infection and could more than likely kill your puppy. That would be a really sad death. So really I reccomend you take your dog to a professional such as your vet, petsmart vet, or any other petstore and ask them about docking tails and see if they will do this for you. Usually docking tails is a small fee such as 30-50 dollars. I'm sure you would rather pay that than lose your puppy right? Also about the rubber band. The rubber band is only used to dock tails on puppys at the age of 5-10 days old. If they are any older ( your dog is way older, 2 months) If you were to do that your dog will die. I highly suggest a different way to dock his tail than this method. I really hope you get your vet or a proffessional to dock your dog's tail. Good luck and happy holidays.

    • I read all the answers so far, so you should know by now that you would make a very bad decision in rubber banding your dog's tail.I'm not going to repeat what has been said already, but would like to add the fact if it's not done by a professional, it could cause your dog to have irreparable nerve damage and paralysis.