Why would my puppy have watery poop with blood in it?

Our puppy has lost her appetite and barely drinks water, no energy sleeps all the time. Has blood in her poop, plus her poop is watery and yellowish. All started and got worse within couple days. What could be wrong?

    Why would my puppy have watery poop with blood in it?

    Our puppy has lost her appetite and barely drinks water, no energy sleeps all the time. Has blood in her poop, plus her poop is watery and yellowish. All started and got worse within couple days. What could be wrong?...
    General Dog Discussions : Why would my puppy have watery poop with blood in it?...

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    • Why would my puppy have watery poop with blood in it?

      Why would my puppy have watery poop with blood in it? General Dog Discussions
      Our puppy has lost her appetite and barely drinks water, no energy sleeps all the time. Has blood in her poop, plus her poop is watery and yellowish. All started and got worse within couple days. What could be wrong?

      Why would my puppy have watery poop with blood in it?

      Why would my puppy have watery poop with blood in it? General Dog Discussions
    • lf this has been going on for a couple of days, why haven't you been to the vets yet?Blood in the poo is a sign of parvo, gastroenteritis and any number of other diseases.Has your pup had all it's vacccinations??Get to the vets now before it's too late!

    • Why are you wasting time on here instead of taking your puppy to an emergency vet!!??? Most likely your puppy has contracted parvo, a deadly disease 100% of the time if not treated. If you don't wait too long, the disease is now treatable but requires IV fluids, anti-biotics and supportive care that only a vet can give. Blood in the stool is not good! GET YOUR PUPPY TO THE VET!! No responsible pet owner would hesitate to do so.

    • The puppy needs to see a vet. She is sick, she is not going to get better on her own. It is possibly parvo, if she doesn't see a vet and it is parvo then it will most certainly kill her.

    • I agree with the others, you need to see vet NOW. I've recently experienced several Parvo cases and many didn't have all the symptoms, but yours has CLASSIC symptoms. If this has already gone on for a couple days, then you have been lucky up to now. I lost a pup last thursday that tested a strong positive for Parvo -- she showed no signs until she died. PLEASE GET TO VET ASAP. DON'T WAIT TIL TOMORROW. Your puppy is dehydrating among other things. It may be something different, but I sure would not take any chances right now. Good Luck.