Why do people not spay/neuter their dogs?

Since I joined Yahoo answers I have tried my hardest to help people out with their questions about dogs, but yet I am shocked at how many people are on here asking questions about what to do now that their dog is pregnant, or asking questions about dogs…

    Why do people not spay/neuter their dogs?

    Since I joined Yahoo answers I have tried my hardest to help people out with their questions about dogs, but yet I am shocked at how many people are on here asking questions about what to do now that their dog is pregnant, or asking questions about dogs…...
    General Dog Discussions : Why do people not spay/neuter their dogs?...

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    • Why do people not spay/neuter their dogs?

      Why do people not spay/neuter their dogs? General Dog Discussions
      Since I joined Yahoo answers I have tried my hardest to help people out with their questions about dogs, but yet I am shocked at how many people are on here asking questions about what to do now that their dog is pregnant, or asking questions about dogs being in heat, or even more scary, asking basic questions about puppies that their unfixed dog had accidently and now they have no idea how to take care of them. Can someone please give me some soid reasons to not spay or neuter your pets? I have reasons to do it: 500,000 animals are euthanized in the US each year because they have nowhere to go, also spaying and neutering prevents multiple health issues in male and female dogs including many forms of cancer. Plus who wants to deal with a female dog being in heat? I would love some insight into this...I'm starting to think it is a waste of time to try and convince people to fix their dogs and not breed irresponsibly.redneck: i am curious if you are aware that you can prevent many health issues including, breast cancer, cystic endometrial hyperplasia and pyometra, false pregnancies, mastitis (can occur during false pregnancy), transmissible venereal sarcoma, ovarian and uterine tumors, cystic ovaries and hyperestrogenism, chronic endometritis vaginal hyperplasia and prolapse, uterine torsion or uterine prolapse by having your female dogs fixed?

      Why do people not spay/neuter their dogs?

      Why do people not spay/neuter their dogs? General Dog Discussions
    • People are lazy and cheap. Some people are ignorant and want to have puppies because they are cute or because they think they can sell them. Some people refuse to change their minds, even without a reason for what they are doing.

    • I spayed my female if that makes you feel better :) I did not neuter my male though but we can't have puppies now anyhow so it's ok. Plus I have a yard that is escape proof!

    • I know how you feel, but please don't think it's a waste of time. Just try to keep pointing out how important spaying and neutering really is. You never know when it will really be heard by someone. It is so upsetting to think of all the animals being euthanized every year due to over and incorrect breeding. :(

    • Most of the people I've spoken to who refuse to spay/neuter their dogs chose not to do so because they thought it would physically hurt or otherwise have detrimental effects on their dog. Their usual argument is, "How would you feel if someone chopped YOUR balls off?"I suppose some of those people, too, would be the ones who practice bestiality.

    • For most, it is probably due to lack of money...but, I think if a person can't take care of their animal properly, don't bother getting one. We have always got our dogs/cats spayed or neutered. In fact, my mom is getting her Toy Poodle neutered this Friday. It is for the good of all involved.

    • I have two female dogs (Siberian Husky and Lab) who are not spayed. My dogs are always with me unless I leave them at home in their locked kennel. They are on a leash when we are out so they have absolutely no chance of running off and "getting busy". When they are in heat they wear doggy shorts, which cut off access to their "dog parts". So why would I put them through surgery if I didn't have to?

    • That's Why People Shouldn't Buy Dogs From Breeders To Begin With Because The Breeder Gets Money And Leaves The Other Dogs On The Streets Just To Breed His Or Her Dog Again Later On.I Think Everyone Should Just Neuter Their Dogs.

    • I agree with you i think that the pros for neutering dogs out weigh the cons and the only cos i can think of is that it changes the dog.Its known that if your dog is overly aggressive or very hyper neutering can help calm them down and some people are against.That's the only reason i can think of y people wouldn't neuter there dogs.I think now in Australia u have to get a license if u don't want to get your god neutered.

    • Keep plugging along. If you can help just one person find their way to the truth of how animals should be treated, then good for you. I think it is just sheer irresponsibility. Mix in a little laziness,,,,,,,,and then they say, "awwww, puppies are so cute".My cause is associated with yours. People should never buy dogs from pet stores because Puppy MIlls are where these dogs come from and you don't WANT to know the suffering of breeder dogs. You guys should not get an animal if you don't intend to have it spayed or neutered.

    • I didn't neuter my dog for 8 years because I didn't find it necessary. I kept him either in my house or yard. It was never a problem. I only did it last year because the vet said un neutered dogs have a higher incidence of cancer. Since I LOVE my dog, I want him healthy and with me as long as possible. Plus, it is quite expensive.