What to do about sick puppy when you cant afford the Vet?

My Puggle puppy is 12 weeks old and has just started with green diarrhea and bright red blood spots in the stool. I am worried but cant afford the vet right now. She is all set on shots right now.Any advice what the puppy may have or what to do would be…

    What to do about sick puppy when you cant afford the Vet?

    My Puggle puppy is 12 weeks old and has just started with green diarrhea and bright red blood spots in the stool. I am worried but cant afford the vet right now. She is all set on shots right now.Any advice what the puppy may have or what to do would be…...
    General Dog Discussions : What to do about sick puppy when you cant afford the Vet?...

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    • What to do about sick puppy when you cant afford the Vet?

      What to do about sick puppy when you cant afford the Vet? General Dog Discussions
      My Puggle puppy is 12 weeks old and has just started with green diarrhea and bright red blood spots in the stool. I am worried but cant afford the vet right now. She is all set on shots right now.Any advice what the puppy may have or what to do would be greatly appreciated. I live iin Nassau county NY.I bought the puppy for my daughter so she has a friend. We just moved out of state and put a hefty deposit on a house. I will have my paycheck on Friday but 12 Vets including the SPCA said they will not do anything without money in hand. I even offered to write a check and it would clear Friday and they said no. I bought her a puppy from my heart to give her a companion in this difficult time and I am insulted by the answers I get from people on this. Has nobody in this forum ever had financial difficulty. I would prefer if you cant help keep your hurtful comments to yourself.

      What to do about sick puppy when you cant afford the Vet?

      What to do about sick puppy when you cant afford the Vet? General Dog Discussions
    • Is there a local SPCA near you? They might treat it for free. Go to the vet and ask if they can look at her and you can pay later when you can afford it. Most people who deal with animals, love animals, and they are very helpful like that.

    • Contact your local pet store like PetSmart. They will have a list of cheap vets in your area. Puppy needs to get to the vet NOW!Why did you get a pet if you can't afford to take care of it?

    • It sounds like your puppy has Parvo. There probably isn't any hope for survival. I'm sorry :( Read this page. It will help you understand the disease better. http://www.workingdogs.com/parvofaq.htm

    • Does he have his parvo shots? if not then....You need to watch and make sure they dog does NOT start vomitting.... if he starts vomitting(especially Blood) and still has bloody dirarrea Then you MUST take him to the vet because he could have Parvo. and its sad to say but the survival rate of a parvo puppy especially after it has went for a few days of symptoms are slim to none. if this puppy has parvo... then if you get another puppy even in a year or two down the road, make sure you get all the dogs shots bc parvo will live in the ground or carpet of you house for 7 years.

    • I would suggest calling your vet and explaining the situation as well as the puppies symptoms. Perhaps they can help you with some information you might be able to use on your own. Or, they might be able to suggest someplace you can take the puppy for medical help that isn't as expensive.You should seek medical attention for her though, it could be something serious.

    • My puppy had that a few weeks ago, we took it to the vet and he was fine. Most likely just something he ate they did a stool sample which was free and gave him a 5 day antibiotic for 10$, they say blood in the stool is very dangerous to a young puppy, is she vomiting too??? i guess if you cant afford it see wait and see if it goes away (which can cuz her to become even more sick and thats AWFUL TO DO THAT she maybe suffering), but if it doesnt you may have to get the money together, it will be worth it to save your puppy.

    • I am not a vet, so don't limit yourself to this plan. But it sounds like the puppy may be eating something it shouldn't. Make sure the food you get is puppy food and you may want to go to a softer type of food (out of the cans rather than dry food) if you aren't already doing that, it is easier to digest.Also pay attention to what the puppy is doing. The puppy may be looking for a chew toy and eating some kind of plastic or some other something that is tearing up the stomach and/or intestines. If you are giving a chew toy to the puppy, go with a cloth rather than rawhide (puppy may be getting through the rawhide and swallowing it, which may be tearing up the stomach), but cloth is less hard so it does no tearing. Many cloth materials are digestible and not dangerous to the puppy, the remaining materials pass through the puppy without tearing anything and doing damage (though it can be a little disconcerting for you when you have to pull that cloth out of the dog's butt).

    • Try contacting the animal shelter (aspca) and tell them your financial situation and ask if they may be able to help you. Your puppy is very sick and needs medical attention, to forgo treatment is tantamount to animal abuse and cruelty and I have to believe that the animal shelter would rather you bring your puppy in for treatment and work out a payment plan than have your puppy die because you "couldn't afford" treatment. Please don't take this as a nasty gram but a sincere note of concern. I have watched too many episodes of "Animal Police" (from Animal Planet) that I am very sure the animal shelter will help you. Take care and Good Luck!