What to do about sick puppy when you cant afford the Vet?

My Puggle puppy is 12 weeks old and has just started with green diarrhea and bright red blood spots in the stool. I am worried but cant afford the vet right now. She is all set on shots right now.Any advice what the puppy may have or what to do would be…

    What to do about sick puppy when you cant afford the Vet?

    My Puggle puppy is 12 weeks old and has just started with green diarrhea and bright red blood spots in the stool. I am worried but cant afford the vet right now. She is all set on shots right now.Any advice what the puppy may have or what to do would be…...
    General Dog Discussions : What to do about sick puppy when you cant afford the Vet?...

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    • That sounds very bad, I would call the vet and tell them your financial situation and see if they could help your pet for a minimal charge. Diarrhea with in the stool could easly be life threatening if it is not treated. Perhaps you should give the pup to the humane society if you can not afford to have it treated. Ask someone to help you with the vet bill, but do something.

    • Call a Vet and let them know the problem with the pup. They may be able to tell you what to do. If it is serious they will let you know. Then make some kind of aggangement to take the dog to the vet. Banifield has pet insurance. Check with your local Petsmart store. It will cost you around 80.00 to start the insurance. Then you can use it that day. Please call a Vet for you pup and find out what is wrong.

    • It sounds like parvo which is fatal if its not treated. There is no over the counter medicine you can buy to treat parvo. Bloody diarrhea is one of the symptoms of parvo and also the dog sometimes has a strange smell. See if you can borrow some money to take her to the vet or see if you can work out a payment plan. If not, you need to give the dog away to the humane society and they will treat her, but they won't give her back to you. But at least she'll be alive. Good luck.

    • This is a serious situation the dog could have eaten something sharp that has perforated her intestine and eventually the infection will swamp her system (sepsis) and death is the result. You must take your dog to the vet! I'm sorry.

    • Puppies can really go down rapidly when they get sick from dehydration. You didn't mention if she is vomiting. You say she is "all set" on shots presently. Does that mean she has received all her vaccinations, including her parvo? Has she been checked for parasites? Did you buy your puppy from a reputable breeder or a pet store? If we had more information, we might be able to offer more ideas on the cause of your puppies illness. Regardless, your puppy will need to see a vet promptly! Most vets will allow you to divide your bill into small payments. Also, you need to call the breeder or the store where you purchased your puppy and asked about the puppies prior treatments and vaccinations. Diarrhea with blood is not a good thing.....but it does not always indicated Parvo. There can be many causes.....parasites and gastro-enteritis also exhibit bloody diarrhea symptoms. A vet is the only one who can determine the cause and the treatment.

    • Take the puppy to a vet. I work at a vets office, we help people who dont have a lot of money by splitting payments. There are many things that this could be but the vet has to see the puppy to be sure. Please go soon.

    • If you could afford to buy a Puggle (very $$$ dog) then you can afford to go to a vet. You were very irresponsible to get this dog in the first place if you say you cannot afford vet care....it sounds like you dog is dying and needs immediate care. Why would you have got a dog that you cannot afford to care for it??????

    • Blood in stool is BAD. He needs to go to the vet. Call a shelter or vets in your area and explain the situation, they might be able to work a payment plan out with you. Next time, don't jump into buying a dog until you know you can aford its care. Its heartbreaking for you, and cruel to the dog. You may also want to save up some money and purchase pet insurance, so if an unexpected medical emergency does come up (hit by a car, emergency surgery, anything can happen) It won't be a major hit to your pocket book. VPI had great plans for about 200 or 300 bucks for a year of coverage. I think that includes covering your heartworm preventative and flea controll meds too, but look it up and check it out for yourself. Good Luck with your dog.

    • Until you can get to a vet, hold off on food, push fluids. Lots and lots of fluids. Especially due to the heat, the puppy could get very easily dehydrated. If possible-get some really lean ground beef or chicken, boil the hell out of it-mix it with plain cooked white rice. That sometimes will settle down an irritated tummy. But I can't stress the water enough. Write a check to the vet-they have no way of knowing it's not good-You can at least go tonight or early in the morning and write the check. It won't clear till at least Friday probably later.