How to keep fleas away from my pup?

I had my puppy for about 7 months, and recently I found 3 fleas on him when I was giving him a bath. Today, I found some flea droppings under his chin. Is there a way I can keep the fleas away from him. He lives inside our house. How can I keep these…

    How to keep fleas away from my pup?

    I had my puppy for about 7 months, and recently I found 3 fleas on him when I was giving him a bath. Today, I found some flea droppings under his chin. Is there a way I can keep the fleas away from him. He lives inside our house. How can I keep these…...
    General Dog Discussions : How to keep fleas away from my pup?...

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    • Ask your vet which he or she prescribes. You can also buy some flea medication at the local pet store, they SHOULD be smart enough to help you there. Also, a flea collar may help to keep them away from his face. :)

    • Go to vet and have them prescribe Frontline or Advantage (google them). DO NOT USE A FLEA COLLAR! They are useless and often cause issues for the dogs skin around the neck.You can also try Adam's Flea and Tick Spray

    • FrontLine and Advantage are very good options. I don't suggest flea collars as they only keep fleas away from that general area and do not work as well.Also, I suggest buying Frontline and Advantage from Vet offices. Do not buy knock-off flea medication. The knock off medications are actual pesticides and can harm your pet.Advantage and Frontline although it is a pesticide, it only kills the flea. Also they work quite a bit longer than flea collars.I hope that made sense and helps.

    • Don't use a flea collar. It can irritate his skin or become too tight. Not to mention, its not very effective. Ask your vet about Revolution (a once monthly topical) or Sentinel (a once monthly oral pill.) I would recommend Sentinel because it prevents both fleas and worms for an entire month. not to mention, its safe! A lot of the flea/worm medications sold at grocery stores, etc. can be harmful or deadly to your dog. Go with the flea products you can ONLY get from your veterinarian... that way you know they are safe.

    • Frontline works the best in my experience, but I don't care if its FDA approved its poisen if its killing the fleas whats it doing to your little pup. Go to the vet and get whats called Confortis...its organic herb and the healthiest med you can get for your dog and it works. Also, for all u people out there your feeding your dogs processed foods get Organic, no-bi products, flaxseed, no white flour or yeast for your pets if you want them to live longer:) It will be more money but worth it.

    • Proper meds from your vet will work. You will also have to have a professional exterminator spray your house and yard. I can guarantee you that your dog has MORE than 3 fleas.

    • Borax is great for fleas. It is not toxic and you can sprinkle it on your carpet. Let it sit for a few days and then vacuum it up. You can sprinkle it around the fence of your yard too. I understand that using Skin So Soft from Avon on the animals' coats will repel fleas and mosquitoes. It is also good for the kids skin but just make sure you get the original from Avon.Johnson's Baby Shampoo because it's less drying. Basically, ANY shampoo or lathering cleanser will kill fleas as long as it's soap free. To battle dryness, I use Pantene conditioner. Adding a little Brewer's Yeast on top of their food keeps fleas from biting. It makes the dog's blood taste bad so they don't like it. They may bite once, but they won't bite twice. Also, dogs LOVE the taste of the Brewer's yeast on their food. Btw, Brewer's Yeast is NOT the granular stuff that you use to make bread. It's kind of flaky. You can buy Brewer's Yeast tablets, but they don't work nearly as well.Has anybody ever tried Neem. There are many uses for it. One being putting some in water with a couple drops soap, so's it will incorportate into the water and not sit on it. You can spray some onto your dog to deter bugs.1-2 ounces of Neem oil, one ounce of Emu oil, 1 ounce of golden seal oil, 2 tablespoons of extra vigin olive oil, and a few drops of tea tree oil. Mix all with organic white vinegar, and water to make a 16 ounce bottle. You can use pure Neem oil or cream on flea bites, don't rinse it off. Another thing I have done in the past, which works amazingly well for the animal's coat, is to use clay, either bentonite or terramin, mixed with water to a thin paste. I just brush and massage it through the dog's fur and rinse ait all off. No soap, no harmful residue. I hope that helps.Most shampoos developed specifically for puppies are safe enough to be used daily without a dryness issue. Using products for grown dogs or people can and will cause issues. Puppy shampoos are made to be tearless, just like Johnson baby shampoo. Our puppy had fleas. After picking off 5 with my fingers we bathed him in a herbal flea dip, which is mixed with his shampoo. Smells great and the fleas are gone now. Treatment of the house makes a complete cure.use lavender ivory bar soap a second wash with dial antibacterial hand soap and a follow up with pantene cond for dry hair and scalp.And she clears right up the rash drys up and i brush her well every day to remove old skin that flakes off like dandruff.If i do not do this weekly she starts to loose hair around her back part and her bottom.

    • Advantix will keep fleas and ticks off your pup, it also repels mosquitos. I use it on all my dogs and it works great.Make sure to put it on your dog every single month - part the hair on back of his neck and apply it directly to the skin.Doesn't matter if he lives in the house, he still goes out to potty and one flea will start an infestation, plus mosquitos and ticks also carry diseases.Frontline is just for fleas - Frontline Plus is for fleas and ticks but does nothing for mosquitos and it has become useless in some areas because the fleas are tolerant of it.Don't forget that your dog needs a heartworm preventative every month too, this is cheap to buy and heartworm is very expensive and hard on the dog to cure.Every month --- Advantix and a heartworm preventative (that can be generic) and your dog will be parasite free.Note: I cannot fathom the rash of dimwits on here saying to use flea collars. Flea collars DO NOT prevent fleas - they may warn off a few adult fleas, but the eggs and larvae hatch and your dog is infested - plus flea collars have a very toxic chemical than can poison your dog.Garlic is also toxic for dogs - it's in the onion family, and borax and all the other "home remedy" nonsense has never kept fleas off dogs.The only thing that works is a monthly topical liquid - Advantix or Frontline, that simple.You do NOT need a prescription for either, but you do need to have the vet do a simple heartworm test and then you get the preventative from him - it's cheap enough.Kendra-- you are some "vet tech" if you don't know that you don't need a vet's prescription for Frontline or Advantix, you can buy it at pet stores, even on ebay. You do, however, need a prescription for heartworm preventative.