I caught my puppy chewing on an ant trap?

Are those ant trap houses poisonous to dogs? I just found my puppy chewing on one. She opened up the kitchen cabinets and took it out.It doesn't look like she actually punctured where the poison is. She just chewed around it.She seems fine though. …

    I caught my puppy chewing on an ant trap?

    Are those ant trap houses poisonous to dogs? I just found my puppy chewing on one. She opened up the kitchen cabinets and took it out.It doesn't look like she actually punctured where the poison is. She just chewed around it.She seems fine though. …...
    General Dog Discussions : I caught my puppy chewing on an ant trap?...

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    • I caught my puppy chewing on an ant trap?

      I caught my puppy chewing on an ant trap? General Dog Discussions
      Are those ant trap houses poisonous to dogs? I just found my puppy chewing on one. She opened up the kitchen cabinets and took it out.It doesn't look like she actually punctured where the poison is. She just chewed around it.She seems fine though. Should I take her to the vet?If she was poisoned, would she start acting sick immediately??I dont think she actually ingested the poison. She just chewed up the ant trap. The poison is in the center of the trap, she chewed the trap around the edges, not the center

      I caught my puppy chewing on an ant trap?

      I caught my puppy chewing on an ant trap? General Dog Discussions
    • Yes, it's extremely poisonous to dogs. I'd bring her to the vet immediately, but if for some reason you can't- call the office and they'll probably tell you to give her some hydrogen peroxide so she can throw up the poison. Make sure she actually ingested the poison before you give her the hydrogen peroxide though.

    • It can take some time before a dog will show signs of poisoning. I would take the puppy to the vet now, just in case. If she get sicks late tonight, you may wind up at a very expensive 24 hour emergency vet.Plus, you would feel so bad if she did get really sick or die from this when she could have been okay if you had gone to the vet early on. I've been through similar stuff with my dogs; now I keep latches on the cabinets that are made to keep toddlers out of stuff. I hope your puppy is okay!