My golden retriever puppy has a bleeding growth on paw- how do I excercise him?

I brought him to the vet and they said it looked like a wart and they cleaned it and wrapped it up and said if it didnt go away in a week, to bring him back and they will sedate him and take it off. The problem is he is not getting any excercise right…

    My golden retriever puppy has a bleeding growth on paw- how do I excercise him?

    I brought him to the vet and they said it looked like a wart and they cleaned it and wrapped it up and said if it didnt go away in a week, to bring him back and they will sedate him and take it off. The problem is he is not getting any excercise right…...
    General Dog Discussions : My golden retriever puppy has a bleeding growth on paw- how do I excercise him?...

    • My golden retriever puppy has a bleeding growth on paw- how do I excercise him?

      My golden retriever puppy has a bleeding growth on paw- how do I excercise him? General Dog Discussions
      I brought him to the vet and they said it looked like a wart and they cleaned it and wrapped it up and said if it didnt go away in a week, to bring him back and they will sedate him and take it off. The problem is he is not getting any excercise right now and I feel bad, what can I do?? If he runs around it starts bleeding and it gets messy- thoughts?

      My golden retriever puppy has a bleeding growth on paw- how do I excercise him?

      My golden retriever puppy has a bleeding growth on paw- how do I excercise him? General Dog Discussions
    • About the only thing I can think of is a doggie boot. We used to use "boots" on our horses when they had an infection or hurt sole. Other than that, maybe a couple of plastic bags and make it fit for protection.

    • You don't do anything but wait. Do you clean the area with warm, soapy water; then hydrogen Peroxide it; then put Neosporin on it & re-bandage it on a daily basis; morning & night? Try that & wait it out, as they told you. The dog can make up for it later, when he's more able to.