Can i give a puppy who has allergies benadryl?

My puppy has alleigies just wanted to know if it will hurt her

    Can i give a puppy who has allergies benadryl?

    My puppy has alleigies just wanted to know if it will hurt her...
    General Dog Discussions : Can i give a puppy who has allergies benadryl?...

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    • Just to be safe i would ask a vet first?i think not though.

    • Benadryl is fine if your dog is allergic to bee stings. I would want to know if the allergies are caused by something specific. What are you feeding your dog? If you are feeding your puppy "grocery store food", check the back and read the ingredients list. If any of the first 5 ingredients contain "by product" get rid of it. Also, wheat and beef are two top culprits of allergies in dogs. Wellness makes a great food for dogs with allergies. Besides the needed vitamins, it only contains 5 ingredients. There are also great foods available that contain no wheat. Try putting your dog on a diet of dog food which is wheat free (and don't forget wheat free treats). The proper food for your pet will make a world of difference.

    • My sister's dog takes Benadryl...I am not sure how much you would give a puppy, though...I know that they can take the same kind as humans because I had an allergy attack at her house and they gave me some of the dog's medicine.. She said that the vet told her that it was the same thing just different doses...It worked for me. (I know it's weird that I took a dog's medicine, but if you have ever had a bad allergy attack you would know that you are willing to take anything to get it to go away)

    • Please don't give medication to your pet just because someone on line tells you it's O.K. You have no idea who any of us are. Having said that... If the dog is over 4 months of age you can safely give 2 mg per pound of benadryl. The only side effect with this medication is it may make the pup sleepy. I'm only telling you this because others said yes, and some even said give adult bendaryl. The dosage goes by weight. Not just some willy nilly idea of what to give. Please call your vet in the morning and get their advise. For tonight if you insist on giving meds then please follow the formula above. NEVER give tylenol, ibuprophen, or any other drug without consulting a lisensed doctor first. PLEASE!!!

    • Yes you can give your pup Benadryl but I would suggest you call your vet to get the right dosage for your pup. My little guy is about 18 lbs and he gets the same dosage as what a 2 yr old child would take, but please call your vet 1st to make sure you give your pup the right amount.

    • It depends what she's alergic to. On a daily basis I would not recommend giving Benadryl. But if she's stung by a bee/wasp you may. I think 1 normal adult pill is 25 mg, they take 1 pill per 25lbs of the animal.Keep in mind if your dog has allergies that there is always the chance that she could also be allergic to Benadryl too!

    • Benadryl is often suggested by my veterinarian for allergic reactions, so I wouldn't see the problem in giving it to your dog for a short while. I would suggest that if you haven't been to the vet, to go. He or she my find a reason for the allergic reaction and be able to fix it, instead of just suppressing it.

    • yes u can but i heard it COULD hurt them. my friends parent's were giving their dog benadryl and i think it made it a lil worse. i would bring ur puppy to the vet. it's worth it to know he/she will be safe and healthy. puppies are awesome!

    • Yes you can Give a puppy or a dog Benadryl. But call your vet or a vet to see how much to give. So you don't overdose it. It goes by their wieght . Glad I can help.

    • For all of the people that think that you cannot give Benedryl to a dog - You can! My vet advised me to give it to my dogs to minimize their anxiety for grooming! He said that he could give me something stronger but it would knock them out and he'd rather I use something more mild (benedryl) if it would work.Good Luck! The lady that give you the dosage chart from the Drs Foster and Smith is right - do what she says! Also, you can go to and order your own magazine - they are free and very helpful. Good Luck