Puppy ate chocolate! and I cant get to a vet!?

my puppy (about 8months, and 30lbs? syberian husky) ate about 5 of those mini-bars of hersey dark chocolate.. and i cant get to a vet. what should i do? the only med's i really have is benadryl, which i give her sometimes to calm down if people are…

    Puppy ate chocolate! and I cant get to a vet!?

    my puppy (about 8months, and 30lbs? syberian husky) ate about 5 of those mini-bars of hersey dark chocolate.. and i cant get to a vet. what should i do? the only med's i really have is benadryl, which i give her sometimes to calm down if people are…...
    General Dog Discussions : Puppy ate chocolate! and I cant get to a vet!?...

    • Puppy ate chocolate! and I cant get to a vet!?

      Puppy ate chocolate! and I cant get to a vet!? General Dog Discussions
      my puppy (about 8months, and 30lbs? syberian husky) ate about 5 of those mini-bars of hersey dark chocolate.. and i cant get to a vet. what should i do? the only med's i really have is benadryl, which i give her sometimes to calm down if people are coming over (my vet in the states said it would be fine). so what could i do, to help her? is ther any home remedies?just so you know, since some one doesnt understand how i cant get to a vet.. is because we live in germany.. i dont speak german, the dog doesnt speak german either.!.. sooo... that and we have no means of transportation, and we cant get a taxi since dog aren't allowed to ride in taxi's here, and its almost 10pm and there is no vet emergency center anywere near us

      Puppy ate chocolate! and I cant get to a vet!?

      Puppy ate chocolate! and I cant get to a vet!? General Dog Discussions
    • She isn't gonna die.... don't freak out. Just watch her and make sure she is ok....... Your dog knows if you are freaking out, so calm down and don't let her have anymore!!!

    • well my dog eats chocolate sometimes, nothing appens to him, i know its bad but he also gets to it, and nothis really happened to him. can you tell if it has any bad side effects on urs?

    • Ok. CALM down is the first step. The best thing for you to do is to make sure that the dog gets LOTS of water. It's really important to get to the vet as soon as possible because chocolate is not really safe for dogs, I mean she will poop everything out eventually, but don't wait, the dr will want to see her.

    • Was they dark chocolate ? Or milk . There is a chart for the allowable amount of chocolate a dog can take without major side effects . If you vet said it is fine I am sure your puppy will be OK . Maybe try to get your puppy to drink some water . I hope your puppy is OK 8(

    • As far as I know it should be ok for the dog to eat small amounts of chocolate. My dog ate chocolate before and was ok. Just keep a check on her and if she changed in behavior maybe give her a benadryl. I am by no means a vet, but I hope this helps.

    • Is the puppy showing any signs of being sick? Some dogs can handle chocolate. In fact, my best friend give all 3 of her dogs chocolate. I would not advise anyone to do it, I am just saying it is not toxic for ALL dogs. Maybe let your dog go out and eat some grass to induce vomiting. I don't know but if your vet says the dog will be okay then I am sure he will.

    • You can try to make her vomit. It wouldn't be so bad if it was milk chocolate, but dark chocolate is worse because it has more of the toxic stuff in it. It's a small amount, so hopefully she'll still be fine.

    • just watch her closely and all you can do is wait until she poops it out. just make sure you have all chocolate up high so your dog can't reach it. but if the vet said she will be fine, don't worry. but do keep an eye out for her, and if she is still acting funny and not normal. then call the vet again.

    • If you have hydrogen peroxide you can give her that to make her vomit. The important thing is that she vomits so it dosent get absorbed into her bloodstream and the sooner the better!Good luck!

    • Your dog should be just fine...that is not a very large quantity. I know someone who had a golden retriever and it somehow managed to eat an entire chocolate cake ...and it was fine. So don't worry too much.

    • Watch for diarriah. Peptobismol is a great tool in something like this. She should be fine its only 5 mini bars and she is a bigger dog. My female bullmastiff ate five pounds of chocolate bars with only bad diarriah and vet recommended pepto

    • I understand that Hershey's choc. is not poisonous to the dogs. It is the really good chocolate like Godiva and Sees, etc. that have a high cocoa content. Hersheys has a lot of milk in it. I would suggest you just keep an eye on your puppy and give her access to lots of water. I don't think giving her Benadryl will help at all.

    • my grey ate whole pkt of choc digestives while i was out..oh and a bar of dark minty choc im sure he will be fine..i have 3 dogs and i no who the culprit was coz she had choc all on her paws and she was looking after the empty wrapper xxx