Suggestions on house breaking a male puppy?

I have a Jack Russel (about 6 months old), fixed male who is surprisingly calm for a Jack. We've had him for 4 months and have tried HARD to house train him. But he doesn't seem to get it. He goes outsides given the chance, but as soon as he has to go…

    Suggestions on house breaking a male puppy?

    I have a Jack Russel (about 6 months old), fixed male who is surprisingly calm for a Jack. We've had him for 4 months and have tried HARD to house train him. But he doesn't seem to get it. He goes outsides given the chance, but as soon as he has to go…...
    General Dog Discussions : Suggestions on house breaking a male puppy?...

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    • Suggestions on house breaking a male puppy?

      Suggestions on house breaking a male puppy? General Dog Discussions
      I have a Jack Russel (about 6 months old), fixed male who is surprisingly calm for a Jack. We've had him for 4 months and have tried HARD to house train him. But he doesn't seem to get it. He goes outsides given the chance, but as soon as he has to go and the door isn't open, he finds somewhere inside to pee (or poop). We have another dog thats over a year old who doesn't go inside, but he doesnt' seem to pick up from her. He doesn't whine, he doesn't come and get us. If you happen to be in the same room you'll see him put his paws on the door, but that's only if you're lucky. Kenneling him does not work (thats what the vet suggested). Any suggestions? He is not catching on!

      Suggestions on house breaking a male puppy?

      Suggestions on house breaking a male puppy? General Dog Discussions
    • Russel's are a very hard headed breed. However, given the right schedule and structure any dog will respond in a positive nature to training.Right now every time your dog pees in the house and it is not removed completely and immediately with an enzyme cleaner to him - that is just another bathroom. If he is not fixed he is marking his territory which is a natural instinct in dogs. So make sure you get the dog fixed, then try one or a combination of the following until you find what works for him:1. Belly Band - Search for belly band on eBay and you will find quite a few people who sell belly bands for dogs. These sewed strips of material work like a diaper on your dog, but just for his penis. You can place a maxi pad (or once your dog is trained - a day liner) in the band, then put it around your male dog. This will contain the pee in the maxi pad and save your carpets and furniture. Also, dogs don't like the feeling of we up against themselves and he will quickly learn that if he pees a. nothing is left behind and b. that it is cold and wet against his penis. Make sure to change the pad regularily and make a schedule that every 2 hours you take your dog out to potty. You have a young, not completely developed dog and he needs to be pottied regularily.2. If you are not able to take him out every two hours, then you are going to have to crate train him. If you really tried crating him and having a schedule there is no reason in the world that should not work for him. Dogs don't like to soil their crates. That place becomes their den and they want to keep it clean. If you are crating him and he is still going potty in the crate, then he needs to be taken out more often.Consistancy is the key in any training regimine. The dog has to know that you are the Alpha and that you are calling the shots. You have to be consistant about when you take him out so he understands that is when and where he goes potty.The number one reason that most pets don't get trained is not because they were not trainable, but because the owners were not consistant and diligent while training them - and especially during the critical first year when most behaviors are learned and become habitiual in dogs.Be strong, be consistant and you will see amazing results.Good Luck